28: Preaching Outlines

28: Preaching Outlines

Just as every house or building has a hidden structure that supports both the function and the aesthetic of the space, so the development of well-thought out outlines can assist in the delivery of Gospel preaching each week. Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor talk about both content and process in developing good outlines.

27: Funeral Prep

27: Funeral Prep

Ministry following a death of a church member or family is challenging in many ways. Listen as Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor discuss the pastoral implications and principles to maximize the Gospel impact during these intimate moments of ministry.

26: Conflict Mediation with Ken Sande

26: Conflict Mediation with Ken Sande

Todd and Andy are joined by Ken Sande, the executive Director Relational Wisdom 360 (RW360) and author of the best selling book “The Peacemaker.” Listen as Ken shares insights into the cause, concerns, and first steps toward conflict resolution and reconciliation.

25: Pastors and Criticism

25: Pastors and Criticism

Pastors experience criticism. It is inevitable. But every pastor can choose how to receive, process, and respond to criticism in a manner that is constructive. Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor provide practical principles for handling criticism in pastoral ministry.

24: The Art of Illustration

24: The Art of Illustration

Hear Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor explain how powerful sermon illustrations can drive home biblical exposition for the listener.

23: Making a Great Hospital Visit

23: Making a Great Hospital Visit

Pastors rightly make preaching the word a priority. Hear how pastoral care like hospital visits also make an important, positive gospel impact.

22: Using Notes in Preaching

22: Using Notes in Preaching

Every preacher has to make a decision about the use of notes. Listen to Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor give some helpful insights into the structure and use of preaching notes.

21: Preparing for Easter

21: Preparing for Easter

Research suggests that many people are more likely to attend church on Easter than almost any other Sunday. Hear Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor discuss helpful ideas for pastors in preparation for Easter and this special ministry opportunity.

20: Extending an Effective Invitation

20: Extending an Effective Invitation

Hear Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor discuss the biblical foundations and helpful approaches to extending invitations in response to the preaching of God’s Word.

19: Helping the Called

19: Helping the Called

It is the local church that sends missionaries, ordains pastors, and commissions those who are called by God to vocational ministry. Hear Todd Fisher and Andy Taylor offer insight for churches who are helping those who are sensing a call to ministry.

18: Constructing an Effective Conclusion

18: Constructing an Effective Conclusion

It can be argued that the conclusion of a novel either makes or breaks the entire storyline. Preachers MUST do the hard work to conclude a sermon well and not simply come to an end. Sprint to the finish instead of falling across the line.