We can do more together through the Cooperative Program.

Cooperative Program Remittance

Oklahoma Baptist churches can remit their gifts electronically. Sending Cooperative Program, State Missions Offering, Disaster Relief, Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and other gifts around the world faster than ever! The electronic transaction is simple, secure and comes with no fees. Allowing missionaries and other mission offerings to reach their destination faster than traditional mail.

State Missions Offering

Oklahoma Baptists have a long history of stepping into these areas of brokenness and meeting the needs of our state, all to advance the Gospel. In fact, that is the very heart of the Edna McMillan Oklahoma State Missions Offering (SMO). This Missions Offering is a very tangible expression of the common bond we have in Christ and the common mission we have to advance the Gospel in our state.

Give to Baptist Collegiate Ministries

Oklahoma Baptists have three new BCM buildings on the drawing board. Two are for our largest state universities, OU and OSU. The third building is planned for Southeastern Oklahoma State University at Durant. All three planned buildings replace buildings no longer functional due to age, location or school property needs. Please help us continue to reach students through BCM on our university campuses.

Individual Donations

We encourage individuals to support the ministry of their local Baptist congregations, by giving directly to their church. In turn Oklahoma Baptist churches give collectively through the Cooperative Program, supporting ministry locally and around the world. If you still would like to donate directly to Oklahoma Baptists click here to give securely today.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Well over 100 years ago, a single missionary named Lottie Moon, while serving in China, began writing letters challenging the American church to send and support more workers to go there. After her death on the field, her challenge was heeded in the formalization of an offering in her name. The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, is a reminder of why we must give to send and support missionaries serving among unreached peoples in unreached places.

Give to Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief

When disaster strikes, Oklahoma Baptists will answer the call to help. Please give now through Oklahoma Baptist Disaster Relief, so we can serve others in their great hour of need. All the money given through the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma’s Disaster Relief go toward work in current disaster and preparation for future disaster response. In every disaster, there is a great opportunity for the Gospel to be shared.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering

Join us in making an eternal impact through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Every dollar goes directly to North American missionaries who are planting churches, serving communities, and sharing the gospel across the United States and Canada. Your generous gift helps spread hope, transform lives, and reach the unreached. Together, we can advance God’s Kingdom and support those answering the call to serve.

Gift Acceptance Policy

Gifts made to Oklahoma Baptists and its related ministries are welcomed and appreciated. Oklahoma Baptists ministries are supported in a variety of ways, such as when the local church gives through the Cooperative Program. Through the Cooperative Program, the world is reached with the Gospel when tithes and offerings are given to a local Southern Baptist church.

Oklahoma Baptists accept charitable gifts from individuals. If a donor chooses to make a gift to Oklahoma Baptists for a specific ministry or purpose, Oklahoma Baptists will honor those requests as long as it is practical and reasonable. If and when the specific purpose for the gift, at the discretion of the Oklahoma Baptists Leadership Group and Finance Group, becomes impractical or unreasonable to accommodate, Oklahoma Baptists reserves the right to use the gift for other ministries of Oklahoma Baptists. In the situation where Oklahoma Baptists are no longer reasonably able to use the gift in accordance with the donor’s specified purpose, Oklahoma Baptists may, but is not required to, contact the donor to invite the donor to choose an alternative ministry or purpose for their generous gift.

Gifts made to Oklahoma Baptists to assist in the recovery of a disaster, whether specific to location, type, or date, will be deemed made for use for general disaster relief funds.

To see a list of specific ministries of Oklahoma Baptists that will accept gifts, please contact the BGCO Finance Group, at Contact Us.