Church CP/Missions Gifts Remittance


Step 1: Church Information

Perform a search for your church using your church zip code, church city, church name, or church ID and then select your church in the results. Can’t find your church?

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"*" indicates required fields

Church Information

To fill in church information use the search box above.

Step 2: Contact Information

Contact Person*

Step 3: Bank Account Information

If your church has multiple banking accounts on file with us please designate which account we should use.
Process Funds From*
Please enter the last four digits of the checking account your are processing funds from.

Step 4: Gifts

Cooperative Program

Other SBC Ministry Gifts

Baptist Village Communities (BVC)

Mother's Day Offering

Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC)

Designated Gifts

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Your submission will still be processed and you will receive a confirmation email shortly.

Please review our Gift Acceptance Policy