
Completed Grades 9-12 by the start of project date.

June 15-21

Estimated Ground Cost - $400
Join a Team

About Nebraska

Omaha, Nebraska is the 58th largest metropolitan area in the United States. This is equal to about the size of Tulsa. The metropolitan area grew 4% in just the last three years! The churches are ethically diverse and run on a spectrum from healthy and vibrant to unhealthy and dying. Our teams will work to advance the Gospel together through outreach activities in partnering with the local church and Heartland Church Network.

Why serve in Nebraska?

Since the metropolitan area has grown significantly, 30,000 more people have been added to this region that need to hear the Gospel.

20% of people in Nebraska report being unaffiliated with religion, including atheists and agnostics.

There is a range of churches: 9 African American, 4 Hispanic, 2 Sudanese, 2 Burmese, 2 Nepalese, 2 Russian Language, 2 Korean, and 1 Native American.


Our Focus

The goal is to advance the Gospel while supporting the local church in hosting outreach activities and ministering in the community.

Who will we serve in Nebraska?

What will we do?

  • The team will be staying at the remodeled church building in Omaha.
  • Teams will be transported around the city as needed in church vans/buses etc. during the trip.
  • The group will partner with Heartland Church Network to advance the Gospel.
  • Ministry outreach may include block parties or backyard bible clubs.
  • Community service opportunities may include church or neighborhood repairs and painting.

How to pray:

  • Pray that our churches might have a renewed passion to reach out to their neighborhoods.
  • Pray for more church planters, church planting teams, and mission teams to help reach unchurched, dechurched, and lost.
  • Pray that our pastors would be protected from temptation and the attacks of Satan.
  • Pray that God would be glorified and His Kingdom grow in and through each individual in Nebraska.
  • Pray for safety, health, and unity in the GoStudents I Network team and church members.

Certified Sending Partner:

McAlester, FBC

Phone: 918-916-4522

Team Leader: Bret Lalli


