
Completed Grades 9-12 by the start of project date.

June 21-30

Estimated Ground Cost - $1,200
Join a Team

About Serbia

Belgrade and Vrśac, Serbia
7 million people live in Serbia with less than 7,000 evangelical believers (0.1% of population). Serbian Orthodoxy controls much of national life. The idea of a personal relationship with Jesus is revelatory in nature. We will help connect local peoples to national Christian contacts through sports camps, Bible storying, crafting and personal interactions, as well as encouraging local believers through visitation and prayer walking exercises in strategic locations.

Deposit amount due with application: $75.00


The team leader will communicate airfare information.


Who will we serve?

We will work with Serbian nationals, as well as displaced Romanian peoples. A large population of ‘Roma’ peoples live near Vrśac, which are considered Gypsy families and are shunned by local citizens in many ways. Teaming with Christian contacts, we will engage local groups.

What will we do?

Saturday (23rd) Travel
Sunday- Belgrade arrival/overnight stay
Monday-on field training, visit Saint Sava Temple, and travel to Vrśac
Tuesday thru Friday- Sports camps, visitation, possible work projects
Saturday- prayer walking/excursion day
Sunday- attend local church services/return to Belgrade
Monday-travel home

How to pray:

Pray God would prepare the hearts of not only the children/youth we will serve, but also their families; for openness of local authorities to allow the work to continue; for necessary in-country connections to be made quickly; for God to lift the spiritual darkness which covers this area of Europe to break for the glory of the Gospel; for travel both by air and in-country to be safe; for health of those who serve as we interact with people from the area.

Certified Sending Partner:

Brian Holland

Phone: (580) 641-2086


