About Edmonton
Why serve in Edmonton?
Evangelical Christians
Population Increase in the last 10 years
Laying Foundations
The Vision
Our Focus
More About Edmonton
Who will we serve in Edmonton?
Religious People Groups
What will we do?
We will be working alongside the North American Mission Board connecting with several different church planters throughout the city. Volunteers are a very valuable resource to these small churches. Our team enables them to have Vacation Bible School, outreach events, even leadership training for their leaders. Every student will have the opportunity to lead Bible lessons, share the Gospel, and pray over a city desperately in need of Gospel workers.
How to pray:
Pray for workers to be called out to the harvest. Pray that the church planters would be encouraged and energized to continue the work that they are engaged in. Pray also that God would lead our partners to people of peace that open doors into different areas of the city.