
There are nearly 1,800 churches in our Oklahoma Baptist family, and our churches have been given pastors to feed, to protect and to lead.

Priority of Preaching Conference

Join us on February 3, 2025 from 10am to 5pm at OKC, Quail Springs for the annual Priority of Preaching Conference.



Tony Merida & Scott Pace

Cost: $40.00


Upcoming Events

Moving Forward Interim Training

Date: January 13, 2025
Location: Shawnee, Immanuel
Address: 1451 E 45th St, Shawnee, OK 74804

2024 Pastor’s Conference


Ever Borunda

Ever Borunda

Emerson Falls

Emerson Falls

Griff Henderson

Griff Henderson

Buddy Hunt

Buddy Hunt

Philip Jones

Philip Jones

Amy Petersen

Amy Petersen

Brett Selby

Brett Selby

Walter Wilson

Walter Wilson

Andy Taylor

Andy Taylor

Pastor Resources

Multivocational Pastors & Small Attendance Churches

Our mission is to strengthen multi-vocational pastors and the churches they lead.

Native American Relations

Our Native American Ministries focus on developing indigenous leadership, creating contagious communities of faith, and affecting revitalization in plateaued and declining churches.

Hispanic Relations

Oklahoma Baptists Hispanic Ministries exists to support the local church in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our goal is to serve as a means of cooperation between the churches of Oklahoma, the nation, and the world.

Learning to Preach: Putting the Pieces Together – CONTEXT

Preaching is letting texts talk, according to an expositional luminary such as J.I. Packer. Of course, he's spot on: if the preacher is talking rather than the text, that's not biblical preaching. However, every text has a context. Without it, goes the old saying, all...

God’s Word Written by Men (Part 2)

God chose to use human authors to deliver His Word to us. Scripture is God's Word written by men. We can say that Galatians is the Word of God and in the same breath refer to it as a letter written by Paul to the churches of Galatia. (Sometimes even Paul used...

Bill Barnett, Prominent Oklahoma Baptist Pastor and Native American Ministry Leader, Dies

Prominent Oklahoma Baptist pastor and Native American ministry leader Bill Barnett died on Feb. 5. Barnett was pastor of Seminole, Indians Nations and was a leader with Indian Falls Creek, among various other ministries.

The Images of a Preacher

We live in an image-driven culture. Even the oldest among us grew up with photographs and most of us grew up on TV and movies. There is no escaping the power of the image. A picture truly is worth a thousand words because we will remember an image long after the words...

Learning to Preach — Putting the Pieces Together — PRESUPPOSITIONS

If we lived in a perfect world, and each reader of the Bible were perfect, then without any real impediment we could read the Scripture, understand it perfectly, and teach it to others. If only. In a perfect world, there would be no need for exposition, because every...