Good leaders spend time each week developing students, developing leaders, developing parents, and developing themselves. Our fellow youth workers are invaluable to the work we do in the church with students. How are you showing them they are valued? Many times working with youth is thankless. It doesn’t have to be that way! Here are some simple ways you can effectively communicate to your volunteer youth staff that you care..
One, Talk to them!
Use your words! Brian Baldwin says “Never let a good word go unspoken.” This is a great principle to apply in affirming and appreciating your youth team!
Two, Send Notes or Cards.
Written words still work as well. Sure, text and message digitally, but written words communicate so much in today’s fast paced culture. Take the time!
Three, Coffee! (or other preferred form of caffeine)
This doesn’t need much explanation, other than to say know your leaders. Knowing what they like/ prefer shows personal interest and care.
Four, Gifts!
Gift a book or an album based on where your leaders are personally or where you are headed in your youth ministry. What about gift cards? Who doesn’t like a little gift or meal out. The beauty of gift cards is you don’t have to guess what people want! 😉 You’re going to have to go against your parents on this one and encourage your leaders to spend it all in one place!
Five, “One on one” meetings
So, maybe it needs to be you and your spouse meeting or you and a smaller group of leaders meeting, but don’ underestimate the importance of time spent together getting to know and pouring into your leaders.
Six, Visit them at work.
We visit kids at school, so why not visit workers in their world. A quick visit to stick your head in and say hey communicates a lot. Be proactive in dropping in while you are out and about!
Seven, Meet a Need.
When you work closely with others you learn much about them. Work to establish a culture of care in your group.
Eight, Schedule a worker lunch or dinner each month or quarter
You don’t have to wait to get everyone together. Offer ongoing opportunities to fellowship together. But, it does help to have regular all staff fellowships where you eat, talk, and grow together! Build a ministry! Don’t just fill positions.
Nine, Pray together
Pray for personal needs not just for students and the church. Care for your leaders past what you get out of them. Be genuine and spiritual in your concern and care. Develop a regular way you pray for one another and follow up.
Ten, Have fun together!
Youth ministry is one of the most rewarding things to be a part of. Schedule time to play! Regular parties, fellowships, and activities can create the right atmosphere! The people we do ministry with are some of our dearest friends and closest partners. let’s remember what we do, who we work with, and who we serve. Let loose and have fun doing this important work God has allowed us to be a part of!
How might these tips help you invest in youth and parents as well?