Campers on Mission

Who We Are

About Us

Campers on Mission (COM) is a national fellowship of Christian campers who share their faith while camping and as the opportunity permits. It was organized in the early 1970′s. Sponsored by the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention, membership is open to Christian campers of all denominations. There is no membership fee.

Campers on Mission accept short-term mission assignments across the United States and Canada. Typically, these assignments last a week or more. The Oklahoma chapter organizes and participates in mission opportunities such as construction and renovation work, Backyard Bible Clubs, surveys, and clerical work. They do personal witnessing, distribution of Bibles, and conduct campground services.


Upcoming Events

OK COM Fall Rally, Sept. 3-6, 2024, Wallace Ave. Baptist Church, Shawnee, OK

 – 2025 COM National Rally, Jun. 3-5, 2025, Western Carolina State Fairgrounds, Aiken, SC 


Joe Drennan


(405) 756-6058

David Kirkegard

Construction Project Coordinator

(405) 606-1103

Merle Bean


(405) 243-3245

Pat Jones

Oklahoma Baptists Contact

(405) 942-3000 ext 4337

Paul Day

Vice President

(405) 509-0396

Carolyn Vanderburg

Craft Coordinator & Public Relations

(405) 201-4187

Rick & Cindy Truesdail

National Coordinators


Verlan Day


(405) 306-5862

John Barnes

Rally Coordinator

(405) 830-0769

Marvin Smith

Communications Coordinator

(918) 791-8931