The Cooperative Program
The financial fuel for reaching every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state and every nation.

Through the Cooperative Program, Southern Baptist churches give a percentage of their undesignated receipts in support of their respective state convention and Southern Baptist Convention missions and ministries.

Giving: An Act of Fellowship
The time when we bring our tithes and offerings to the Lord is one of the most powerful five minutes of our Sunday gatherings. This is a significant time of fellowship. The biblical Greek word koinonia, often translated fellowship, is also used in the New Testament as a word for giving.
Each week, in our churches we come in an act of fellowship from our neighborhoods and communities. We worship our savior in spirit and truth, fellowshipping together in the Word. And every Sunday morning we also come together…giving as an act of fellowship.
“…You believed the message about Christ, and you obeyed it by sharing [koinonia] generously with God’s people and with everyone else.”
The Apostle Paul
(2 Corinthians 9:13b CEV)
Church Contributions Online
Your church may sign up to have CP contributions electronically transferred directly from your church checking account.
Signing up for online CP remittance is easy. Just fill out the form linked below and you will receive an email verifying your form has been processed. You will also receive information on how to submit your gifts using our online remittance form.
Global Impact
The Cooperative Program ties all Southern Baptists ministries together so every church can have a global reach.

Widespread Reach
Through your church’s faithful Cooperative Program giving and seasonal offerings, Oklahoma Baptists are able to join in fellowship together in the advancement of the Gospel throughout the state, the nation and around the globe. The Cooperative Program ties all our giving together so that every church can have a global reach through year-round budget giving.

Cooperative Program
How your money is distributed.
Southern Baptist Convention - 40%
International Mission Board
North American Mission Board
Ethics and Religious Liberty
Executive Committee
Oklahoma Baptists - 45%
Baptist Collegiate Ministries
Church Relations and Resources
Ministry Support Services
Leadership and Convention
Oklahoma Baptists' Affiliates - 15%
Oklahoma Baptist University
Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
Baptist Village Communities
Allocation percentages approved by Oklahoma Baptists board of directors on March 26th pending final approval of Messengers at the Oklahoma Baptists Annual Meeting on November 12, 2024
To give through the Cooperative Program (CP), simply give your tithes and offerings to your local cooperating Oklahoma Baptist Church.
Each church determines the percentage of the annual church budget given through the CP. Ask you pastor if your church participates in giving through the Cooperative Program!

Secure bank-to-bank transfers
Electronic Giving
Oklahoma Baptist Churches can remit their gifts by mail or send their gifts electronically. Sending Cooperative Program, State Missions Offering, Disaster Relief, Lottie Moon, Annie Armstrong and other gifts electronically means these important resources reach around the world faster than ever! The electronic transfer is simple, secure and comes with no fees, allowing CP and other mission offerings to reach their destination faster than traditional mail.
CP Remittance Form
Your church may sign up to have CP contributions electronically transferred directly from your church checking account. Signing up for online CP remittance is easy. Just fill out the form linked below and you will receive an email verifying your form has been processed. You will also receive information on how to submit your gifts using our online remittance form.

No banking information is shared through our website.
2025 Missionary Prayer Guide

A weekly prayer guide to help you pray for Oklahoma Baptists who are serving at home and abroad.

Become a Cooperative Program Ambassador

Cooperative Program Ambassadors have access to exclusive resources that help show how we are doing more together.
Through the CP Ambassador Initiative, we will equip you to become a CP Ambassador to your church. You will use your God given gifts and passion for the lost to educate and inspire your congregation to engage in cooperative missions through prayer and generous financial support through the Cooperative Program.
Download exclusive resources like the CP Ambassador’s Guide.
There’s More!
The SBC Executive Committee has created even more resources for you to use for your church’s CP advocacy. Click below to learn more.