
There are nearly 1,800 churches in our Oklahoma Baptist family, and our churches have been given pastors to feed, to protect and to lead.

Upcoming Events

Renewing the Church Summit: Replanting and Revitalization Strategies for Church Renewal

Join us at Renewing the Church Summit, hosted by Send Network Oklahoma. Whether you are seeking to restore your church or eager to learn more about church replanting, this event will be a valuable time with Mark Clifton, Bob Bickford, and JimBo Stewart from the NAMB Replant team. In our time together we will explore the urgency, hope, and strategies of church revitalization and replanting. You will leave encouraged and equipped. You can attend at one of two locations! Please register for the location of your choosing by following the appropriate link below.

Date: October 2; 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (lunch provided)

Location: Church Inside Out at Redfork

Address: 2821 W 40th St, Tulsa, OK

Date: October 3; 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (lunch provided)

Location: Trinity OKC

Address: 1329 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK

Priority of Preaching Conference Materials

The first 100 registrations will receive a copy of The New Linguistic and Exegetical Key to the Greek New Testament by Cleon L Rogers Jr. and Cleon L Rogers III

Early bird registration cost is $20.00

*The price of $20 increases after Annual Meeting, November 11-12*

Audio Files

2022 Pastor’s Conference


Ever Borunda

Ever Borunda

Emerson Falls

Emerson Falls

Griff Henderson

Griff Henderson

Buddy Hunt

Buddy Hunt

Philip Jones

Philip Jones

Amy Petersen

Amy Petersen

Brett Selby

Brett Selby

Walter Wilson

Walter Wilson

Andy Taylor

Andy Taylor

Pastor Resources

Multivocational Pastors & Small Attendance Churches

Our mission is to strengthen multi-vocational pastors and the churches they lead.

Native American Relations

Our Native American Ministries focus on developing indigenous leadership, creating contagious communities of faith, and affecting revitalization in plateaued and declining churches.

Hispanic Relations

Oklahoma Baptists Hispanic Ministries exists to support the local church in fulfilling the Great Commission. Our goal is to serve as a means of cooperation between the churches of Oklahoma, the nation, and the world.

Learning to Preach – Putting the Pieces Together – CONTEXT part 2

One of the most crucial ways in which we acknowledge the importance of CONTEXT in exposition is by dealing with the biblical storyline. Specifically, when dealing with any New Testament text, we simply must consider how the writer is utilizing the Old Testament....

God’s Word Written by Men (Part 2)

God chose to use human authors to deliver His Word to us. Scripture is God's Word written by men. We can say that Galatians is the Word of God and in the same breath refer to it as a letter written by Paul to the churches of Galatia. (Sometimes even Paul used...

Making The Argument

Recently at the Priority of Preaching conference (I hope you were able to make it), Dr. Jim Shaddix from Southeastern Seminary added an element to the typical three elements of preaching in which most of us were trained. I am referring to the elements of the sermon,...

It’s Thursday but I Haven’t Started My Sermon Yet: A Case for Expository Preaching

I think a lot of preachers can relate to the title of this post. Maybe I'm assuming too much. Maybe I'm the only one to whom it applied. But I kind of doubt it. But don't overlook the subtitle and the obvious premise that expository preaching has as one of its...

Bill Barnett, Prominent Oklahoma Baptist Pastor and Native American Ministry Leader, Dies

Prominent Oklahoma Baptist pastor and Native American ministry leader Bill Barnett died on Feb. 5. Barnett was pastor of Seminole, Indians Nations and was a leader with Indian Falls Creek, among various other ministries.