Let’s engage our own spheres of influence with the Gospel!
Current events have created tremendous opportunity to engage people in conversation about life and eternity. Let’s not let it pass us by! Download the training guide and get on mission now! Make sure you share the guide with your friends and church and invite them to join you on the journey as well!
How do I start?
Please download the GoStudents Online Mission Project Guide and watch the videos below to help you get started. Be sure to invite a friend and your youth group to join you on this project!
Project Ideas
Online Mission Project Overview
Brian Baldwin and Chris Gulley
We have a wonderful opportunity to position ourselves and our churches for Kingdom purposes!
Get a plan... and do it!
Brian Baldwin and Chris Gulley
God hasn’t called us to success – he’s called us to obedience!
Bad, Good, Better, Best
Brian Baldwin and Chris Gulley
What are the best (and worst) ways to be a witness?
What if I can't do social media?
Brian Baldwin and Chris Gulley
You can absolutely participate in missions at a distance without social media!