Church You Currently Attend(Required) Select Your Church Achille, Community Achille, First Ada, Ahloso Ada, Colbert Ada, Faith Ada, First Ada, First Indian Ada, Galey Ada, High Hill Ada, Homer Ada, Lovelady Ada, Morris Memorial Ada, Oak Avenue Ada, Sovereign Grace Bible Ada, Trinity Ada, Trinity Hispanic Ada, Union Hill Ada, Union Valley Adair, First Adair, Pleasant Hope Addington Afton, Cleora Afton, First Afton, Trinity Southern Agra, First Albany Albany, Red River Valley Cowboy Albert, Oney Albion, First Alex, Southern Allen, First Alluwe Altus, Emmanuel Altus, First Altus, Friendship Altus, Martha Road Altus, Primera Iglesia Bautista Altus, Southside Altus, Trinity Alva, First Amber, First Ames Baptist Anadarko, Bethel Anadarko, First Anadarko, Indian Capital Anadarko, Rock Spring Anadarko, Square Top Anadarko, Virginia Avenue Anderson, Buffalo Creek Antlers, Darwin Antlers, Faith Antlers, First Antlers, Little Cedar Antlers, Westside Apache, Cowboy Apache, First Arapaho, First Arcadia, First Southern Ardmore, Brock Ardmore, Concord Ardmore, Durwood Ardmore, Emmanuel Ardmore, First Ardmore, Indian Ardmore, Mary Niblack Ardmore, Primera Iglesia De Bautista Hispana Ardmore, Rawhide Cowboy Church Ardmore, Southwest Ardmore, Trinity Ardmore, WOW Arkoma, First Armstrong, First Arnett, First Asher, First Atoka, Bentley Atoka, Blackjack Atoka, Farris Atoka, First Atoka, Harmony Atoka, Hillcrest Atoka, New Hope Atoka, Southside Atoka, Tushka Atoka, Wards Chapel Atwood, First Avant Balko Barnsdall, First Barnsdall, Victory Bartlesville, Eastern Heights Bartlesville, First Bartlesville, Greater First Bartlesville, Highland Park Bartlesville, Labadie Heights Bartlesville, New Harmony Bartlesville, Silver Lake Bartlesville, Southern Bartlesville, Trinity Bartlesville, Virginia Avenue Beaver, First Beaver, Iglesia Bautista Beggs, Crossroads Beggs, First Beggs, Natura Bennington, First Bennington, Wade Bernice, First Bessie Bethany, Council Road Bethany, First Bethany, Fuente De Vida Bethany, New Covenant Fellowship Bethany, Roca Fuerte Bethany, Tulakes Bethel Acres, New Hope Big Cabin Big Cabin, Utopia Billings, First Binger Bixby, Bemo Bixby, Bixby Church Bixby, Broken Rice Bixby, City Bixby, Crossroads Bixby, Evergreen Bixby, First Bixby, New Beginnings Bixby, Riverview Bixby, Tulsa Awakening Blackburn, First Blackgum, First Blackwell, First Blackwell, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Blackwell, Immanuel Blair, First Blair, Great Plains Reformed Blanchard, Agape Blanchard, Cole First Blanchard, Crossroad To Life Blanchard, First Blanchard, Middleberg Blanchard, Midway Southern Blanchard, New Beginnings Blanchard, New Life Blanchard, Open Door Blanchard, Ridgecrest Blanco Blocker Bluejacket, Cornerstone Faith Bluejacket, First Bluejacket, Timberhill Boise City, First Boise City, Primera Hispana Boise City, Wheeless Bokchito, Faith Bokchito, First Bokchito, Reynolds Chapel Bokchito, Robinson Bokchito, Yuba First Bokoshe, First Boswell, First Bowlegs, Cedar Creek Bowlegs, First Boynton, Eram Bradley, First Braggs, First Braggs, Sand Spring Bristow, First Bristow, Trinity Bristow, True Vine Indian Broken Arrow, Agape Chinese Broken Arrow, Anthem Church Broken Arrow, Arrow Heights Broken Arrow, Aspen Park Broken Arrow, BattleCreek Church Broken Arrow, Clearview Broken Arrow, County Line Broken Arrow, Deaf Church at Battle Creek Broken Arrow, Emmanuel Zo Broken Arrow, First Broken Arrow, Forest Ridge Broken Arrow, GloryLand Broken Arrow, Korean Broken Arrow, New Life Broken Arrow, Sequoyah Creek Broken Arrow, South BA Broken Arrow, Sunnyside Broken Arrow, Vietnamese Broken Bow, Chapel of the Pines Broken Bow, First Broken Bow, Myrtlewood Bromide Buffalo, First Bunch, Beaver Indian Bunch, Rock Fence Burbank, First Burneyville Burneyville, Jimtown Burns Flat, First Butler, First Byars Byron, First Cache, First Cache, Wichita Caddo, Blue River Caddo, First Caddo, Voca Calera Calera, Grace Indian Calumet Calvin, First Calvin, Tookparfka Cameron, First Cameron, Liberty Hill Canadian, First Southern Caney, First Caney, Mt Carmel Canton, First Canute, First Cardin, First Carnegie, Alfalfa Carnegie, Faith Indian Carnegie, First Carney, First Carter, First Carter, Retrop Cartwright, First Cashion, First Castle Catoosa, First Catoosa, New Covenant Catoosa, Oak Grove Catoosa, Shield of Faith Cement, First Cement, Laverty Centrahoma Chandler, First Chandler, Southern Chattanooga, Antioch Chattanooga, First Chautauqua, New Life Checotah, Brush Hill Checotah, Deep Fork Hillabee Checotah, First Checotah, Hope Checotah, Onapa Chelsea, First Chelsea, Harbor Chelsea, Winganon Cherokee, First Cheyenne, First Chickasha, College Heights Chickasha, Fellowship of American Indians Chickasha, First Chickasha, Michigan Avenue Chickasha, Sharon Chickasha, Son Rise Chickasha, Southern Hills Chickasha, Trinity Choctaw, Choctaw Road Choctaw, Eastland Hills Choctaw, First Choctaw, The Branch Chouteau, First Claremore, Eastern Hills Claremore, Emmanuel Claremore, Faith Claremore, First Claremore, Hilldale Claremore, King Road Claremore, Memorial Heights Claremore, Midway Claremore, New Life Claremore, North Park Trinity Claremore, Owalla Road Claremore, Sageeyah Claremore, Sequoyah Claremore, Tiawah Claremore, Washington Claremore, Willieo Clayton, First Clebit, First Cleo Springs Cleveland, First Cleveland, Western Heights Cleveland, Westport Clinton, Custer Avenue Clinton, First Clinton, Hispana Sion Clinton, Indian Clinton, Tabernacle of Worship Coalgate, Cottonwood Coalgate, First Coalgate, Olney Colbert, First Colcord, Clouds Creek Colcord, First Colcord, New Green Colcord, Solid Rock Coleman Baptist Collinsville, Eastside Collinsville, First Collinsville, Speak Life Meadowview Comanche, Corum Comanche, Countryside Comanche, First Comanche, Patterson Commerce, First Commerce, Southeast Connerville, First Connerville, Okchamali Cookson Copan, First Cordell, First Corn, Calvary Council Hill, Countryside Council Hill, Elm Grove Countyline, First Covington, First Coweta, Community Coweta, CrossPoint Coweta, First Coweta, Jackson Grove Coweta, Lone Star Coyle, First Crawford, Magnolia Crescent, Central Crescent, First Crescent, Oak Valley Cromwell, First Cromwell, Little Quarsarty Crowder, First Cushing, Calvary Cushing, First Cushing, First Indian Cushing, New Pathways Cushing, Oak Grove Cushing, Only Way Cushing, Park Place Custer City, First Cyril, First Cyril, Midway Dale Davenport, First Davidson, First Davis, Community Davis, First Davis, Immanuel Del City, Del View Del City, First Southern Del City, Jesus Is Lord Missionary Del City, Solomon Temple Del City, Sunnylane Southern Delaware, First Depew, First Devol, First Dewar, First Dewey, Bluestem Dewey, First Dewey, Rose Hill Dibble, First Dickson, Faith Southern Dickson, First Dill City, First Dougherty, First Dover, First Drummond, Cross Drumright, First Duke, First Duke, Prairie Hill Duncan, Chisholm Trail Cowboy Duncan, Connection Duncan, El Divino Salvador Duncan, Fair Duncan, First Duncan, Freedom Biker Duncan, Grace Duncan, Immanuel Duncan, Liberty Duncan, New Hope West Duncan, Parkview Duncan, Recovery Duncan, Trinity Duncan, Western Heights Durant, Blue Durant, Brown Durant, Bushnell Durant, Calvary Durant, Cobb Durant, Fairview Durant, First Durant, Grace Durant, Lakepoint Durant, Roberta Durant, Silo Durant, Stone Creek Durant, Sunset View Durant, Western Meadows Durham Dustin, Faith Dustin, First Eakly, Bethel Spanish Mission Eakly, First Earlsboro, Fairview Earlsboro, First Earlsboro, Indian Edmond, Acts Community Edmond, Chisholm Creek Edmond, Coffee Creek Edmond, Deepen Edmond, Edmond Community Edmond, First Edmond, First Bangla Edmond, First Indian Edmond, Frontline Edmond, Gateway Edmond, Henderson Hills Edmond, Highland Park Edmond, Hispana Edmond, Korean Edmond, Legacy Family Edmond, Mission Bible Edmond, North Pointe Edmond, Oakdale Edmond, Redemption Edmond, Unbound Edmond, Vintage Edmond, Waterloo Road El Reno, First El Reno, Indian El Reno, New Hope El Reno, Trinity Eldorado, Corinth Eldorado, First Elgin, Connection Elgin, Crossroads Elgin, Grace Community Elgin, Locust Grove Elk City, Eastside Elk City, Fairview Elk City, First Elk City, First Hispanic Familia de Fe Elk City, Indian Elk City, Main Street Elk City, One Elk City, Prairie View Elmer, Hess Elmore City, First Elmore City, Katie Victory Enid, Bethlehem Enid, Chisholm Trail Cowboy Enid, Emmanuel Enid, First Enid, Garland Road Enid, Graceway Enid, Iglesia Bautista Agua Viva Enid, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Enid, International Grace Enid, Liberty Southern Enid, Open Door Enid, Trinity Enid, Your Family Enterprise Erick, First Eucha, Hillside Eucha, Round Springs Eucha, South Grand Lake Eufaula, Artussee Eufaula, Ekklesia Eufaula, First Eufaula, Lenna Eufaula, Lindsey Chapel Eufaula, Little Coweta Indian Eufaula, New Arbor Indian Eufaula, North Fork Eufaula, Oak Ridge Eufaula, Okfuskee Eufaula, Stidham Eufaula, Tuskegee Eufaula, Vivian Eufaula, West Eufaula Indian Fairfax, First Osage Fairland, First Fairland, Hudson Creek Fairview, First Fairview, Orion Faxon, First Felt, First Felt, Primera Mission Finley Finley, One Creek Valley Fittstown, First Fittstown, Hickory Hill Fitzhugh, First Fletcher, First Forest Park, Northeast Missionary Forgan, First Fort Cobb, First Fort Cobb, First Caddo Fort Gibson, First Fort Gibson, South Ridge Fort Supply Fort Towson, Corinth Fort Towson, Faithway Fort Towson, First Fort Towson, Sobol Foss, First Fox Foyil Francis, First Frederick, First Frederick, Hispana Frederick, Tesca Gage, First Garber, First Garvin, First Garvin, Waterin' Hole Geary, Chief Cornerstone Geary, First Gene Autry, First Geronimo, First Glencoe, First Glenpool, First Glenpool, Solid Rock Golden Goldsby Goodwell, First Gore, Crossing Gore, First Southern Gore, Notchietown Gotebo, First Gowen Gracemont, First Grandfield, Calvary Grandfield, First Granite, First Granite, Lake Creek Grant, First Greenfield, First Grove, Crosswired Cowboy Grove, Delaware Grove, Dodge Grove, Elk River Grove, First Grove, Grand Lake Grove, Trinity Guthrie, Charter Oak Guthrie, Community Guthrie, Faith Guthrie, First Southern Guthrie, Friendship Guthrie, Grace Covenant Guthrie, Lakeview Guthrie, Noble Avenue Guthrie, Seward Road Guymon, First Guymon, First Hispanic Guymon, Sunset Lane Haileyville, First Hallett, First Hammon, First Hanna, First Hanna, Weogufkee Hardesty, Bethel Hardesty, First Harrah, Faith Harrah, First Harrah, Legacy Hartshorne, Adamson Hartshorne, Cornerstone Hartshorne, First Haskell, Bended Knee Cowboy Haskell, First Haskell, Mount Zion Haskell, Stonebluff Hastings Haywood Hayworth, Bokhoma Headrick, First Healdton, Bethel Healdton, First Heavener, Big Creek Heavener, Big Creek Hispanic Heavener, First Heavener, Forrester Heavener, Hontubby Heavener, Independence Heavener, Loving Heavener, Nueva Vida en Cristo Heavener, Page Heavener, Perry Chapel Heavener, Pilgrims Rest Heavener, Trinity Helena, First Hendrix Hennepin, First Hennessey, Cristo Rey Hennessey, First Henryetta, First Henryetta, Immanuel Henryetta, Salem Henryetta, Silver Spring Henryetta, Wilson Hickory, First Hinton, First Hinton, Scott Hitchita, First Hitchita, Grave Creek Indian Hobart, Daw-Tow-Koot Hobart, First Hobart, Territory Cowboy Hobart, Washington Street Hodgen, First Hodgen, Stapp-Zoe Hoffman, First Holdenville, Banner Holdenville, Calvary Holdenville, Cedar River Holdenville, Eben-ezer Holdenville, First Holdenville, First Indian Holdenville, Freedom Crossroads Biker Holdenville, Many Springs Indian Holdenville, Penn West Hollis, Faith Hollis, First Hominy, First Honobia, First Hooker, First Howe, First Howe, Mountain View Howe, Springhill Howe, The Highway Howe, Victory Hugo, Clayton Avenue Hugo, Cowboy Crossing Hugo, Emmanuel Hugo, First Hugo, Oak Grove Hugo, Shoals Hugo, Southside Hugo, Trinity Hugo, Unity Hugo, Victory Hulbert, First Hulbert, Keener Hulbert, New Hope First Indian Hulbert, Norwood Lakeview Hulbert, Swimmer Hydro, First Hydro, Pleasant Valley Hydro, Swan Lake Idabel, Central Idabel, First Idabel, Forest Hill Idabel, Immanuel Idabel, Trinity Indiahoma Indianola, First Inola, Calvary Inola, Cowboy Gatherin' Inola, First Inola, Trinity Irving, First Jay, Brush Creek Jay, First Jay, New Hope Jay, Old Clouds Creek Jay, Pine Ridge Jay, Piney Jay, Tyio Jay, Whitewater Jay, Zena Jenks, Beaver Street Jenks, First Jenks, Southside Jennings, First Jones, First Jones, Living Word Kansas, Crossties Kansas, First Kansas, Long Prairie Kansas, Twin Oaks Kaw City, Oak Grove Kellyville, First Kellyville, Sunrise Kemp Kenefic Kenefic, Butcher Pen Kenton Keota, Bethel Indian Keota, Cowlington Keota, First Keota, New Hope Keota, Unity Ketchum, First Southern Keyes, First Kiefer, First Kiefer, Relentless Kiefer, Risen Life Kildare Kingfisher, All Nations Kingfisher, First Kingfisher, Iglesia Bautista Emanuel Kingston, Bay Point Kingston, Cross Roads Kingston, Enos Kingston, First Kingston, Hilltop Kingston, New Hope Southern Kingston, Texoma Southern Kingston, Willis Kinta, First Kiowa, First Konawa, Bethlehem Konawa, First Konawa, Vamoosa Krebs, First Krebs, Richville Lahoma, First Lamar, Carson Lamar, First Lamar, Middle Creek #1 Lamont, First Lane, Crystal Lane, First Langley, First Laverne, First Lawton, All Nations Lawton, Cache Creek Cowboy Lawton, Calvary Lawton, Cameron Lawton, Central Lawton, Community Lawton, Dayspring Lawton, First Lawton, First Chinese Lawton, First East Lawton, First West Lawton, Friendship Lawton, Hope Lawton, Immanuel Lawton, Korean First Lawton, Legacy Faith & Family Lawton, Letitia Lawton, Mount Calvary Lawton, Northside Lawton, Olivet Lawton, Paradise Valley Lawton, Pollard Avenue Lawton, Providence Missionary Lawton, St. James Lawton, Trinity Leach, First Lebanon, First Leedey, First Leedey, Moorewood Missionary Leflore, First Leflore, Thessalonian Lehigh, First Lenapah, First Leon Leonard, First Lequire Lexington, Acts 2 Baptist Lexington, Corbett Lexington, Cornerstone Lexington, First Lindsay, Banner Lindsay, Calvary Lindsay, Criner Lindsay, Erin Springs Lindsay, First Lindsay, Hughes Lindsay, Payne Lindsey, Living Sanctuary Little Axe, First Loco, First Locust Grove, Ballou Locust Grove, Cedar Crest Locust Grove, Country Locust Grove, Faith Locust Grove, First Locust Grove, Little Rock Locust Grove, Snake Creek Lone Grove, Cheek Lone Grove, First Lone Wolf, First Longdale, First Luther, First Macomb, Romulus Madill, Archard Road Madill, Cross-N-Spurs Cowboy Madill, Cumberland Madill, First Madill, Grantham Madill, Little City Madill, Nueva Vida Madill, Oakview Madill, Pickens Mangum, Abundant Life Mangum, First Mangum, Russell Mangum, Trinity Mannford, First Mannford, Freedom Hill Mannford, Lakeside Southern Mannford, New Hope Mannsville, First Marble City, First Marietta, Eastside Marietta, First Marietta, Primera Hispana Marietta, Shady Dale Marland, First Marlow, Central Marlow, Denton Marlow, Eastside Marlow, First Marlow, Lakeside Marlow, St York Marshall, First Maud, First Maud, Trinity Maysville, Cowboy Maysville, First Maysville, Story Mazie, First McAlester, Arpelar McAlester, Calvary McAlester, Choate Prairie McAlester, Community McAlester, Double Springs McAlester, Dow McAlester, Emmanuel McAlester, First McAlester, First Indian McAlester, Frink McAlester, High Hill McAlester, Hillcrest McAlester, Kiamichi Country Cowboy McAlester, Mekko McAlester, Scipio McAlester, Victory Park McCurtain, First Mcloud, Emmanuel Mcloud, Emmaus Indian McLoud, First McLoud, Hazel Dell McLoud, Hillside Mead Mead, Emmanuel Mead, Streetman Road Medford, First Medicine Park, First Meeker, First Meeker, Mammoth Meridian Miami, Eastside Miami, First Miami, Green Acres Miami, Hispanic Mission Miami, Immanuel Miami, Liberty Miami, Lone Star Miami, Micronesian Miami, Mound Valley Miami, Mount Zion Miami, Narcissa Miami, Northwest Miami, Nueva Vida Miami, Ottawa Indian Miami, Southeast Miami, Southern Hills Miami, Two Rivers Milburn, First Milburn, Nida Milfay, First Mill Creek, First Minco, Canaan Minco, First Minco, Hazel Dell Monkey Island, Lake Center Monroe, First Moore, Elevate Moore, First Moore, First Indian Moore, Highland Moore, Philippine International Moore, Regency Park Moore, Southmoore Moore, The Well Moore, Transitional Mooreland, First Morris, First Morris, Liberty Morris, Trinity Morrison, Hilltop Country Mounds, First Mounds, Liberty Mounds, Snake Creek 1 Mountain View, First Moyers Moyers, Miller Muldrow, Bellefonte Muldrow, Fellowship Muldrow, First Muldrow, Monte Calvario Muldrow, New Muldrow, Short Muldrow, Victory Mulhall, First Muse Baptist Muskogee, All Nations Muskogee, Antioch Muskogee, Ash Street Muskogee, Boston Avenue Muskogee, Brushy Mountain Muskogee, Butler Creek Muskogee, Calvary Muskogee, Central Muskogee, Eastern Heights Muskogee, Ekklesia Muskogee, Fairview Muskogee, First Muskogee, First Indian Muskogee, First Missionary Muskogee, Grace Muskogee, Grandview Muskogee, Iglesia Bautista Hispana Muskogee, Immanuel Muskogee, Keefeton Trinity Muskogee, Meadowbrook Muskogee, Mountain View Muskogee, New Community Muskogee, New Hope Muskogee, Oldham Memorial Muskogee, Southeast Muskogee, Three Rivers Cowboy Muskogee, Timothy Mustang, Chisholm Heights Mustang, First Mustang, Mustang Heights Mustang, The Well MWC, Country Estates MWC, Crest MWC, Eastpoint MWC, Eastwood MWC, First MWC, Fresh Fire MWC, Gideon's Lighthouse MWC, Korean MWC, Meadowood MWC, New Community MWC, Soldier Creek MWC, Sooner Nash, Bethel Hawley Nash, First Nashoba Valley Newalla, Countryside Newalla, First Newalla, New Life Newalla, Pecan Valley Newcastle, First Newcastle, New Life Newcastle, Woodland Hills Newkirk, First Nicoma Park, First Ninnekah, First Noble, Etowah Noble, First Noble, Freedom Biker Noble, Maguire Noble, Twelve Corners Norman, Alameda Norman, Bethel Norman, Blue Lakes Norman, Chinese Norman, Community Norman, Cornerstone Indian Norman, El Buen Pastor Norman, First Norman, Franklin Norman, Grace Fellowship Norman, Hilltop Norman, Hope Community Norman, Immanuel Norman, Korean Norman, Lakeview Norman, Magnify Norman, New Life Bible Norman, Northeast Norman, Paradigm Norman, Primera Hispana Norman, Providence Road Norman, Redeemer Norman, River Norman, The Church at Norman Norman, Thunderbird Norman, Trinity Nowata, First Nowata, His Life Oakhurst Ochelata, First Oilton, First Okarche, First Okay, First OKC, Antioch Fellowship OKC, Bethel OKC, Beverly Hills OKC, BridgePoint OKC, Bright City OKC, Britton OKC, Brookwood OKC, Bryant Avenue OKC, Calvary Missionary OKC, Camille Avenue OKC, Capitol Hill OKC, Central OKC, Cherokee Hills OKC, Chinese OKC, Christ Central OKC, Christ Missionary OKC, Church at the Village OKC, Circle of Life OKC, City Light OKC, Classen Boulevard OKC, Convergence OKC, Crestview OKC, Crossroads OKC, Crosstown OKC, Crown Heights OKC, Deaf Church OKC, Dickson OKC, Dumas Avenue Southern OKC, E-Church OKC, Eagle Heights OKC, El Olivar OKC, Emanuel Hispanic OKC, Emmanuel OKC, Emmaus OKC, Exchange Avenue OKC, Faith Crossing OKC, Faith Hope and Love Missionary OKC, First Hispanic OKC, Fortieth Street OKC, Freedom Worship OKC, Frontline Downtown OKC, Frontline South OKC, Glorieta OKC, Grace And Truth OKC, Grace Community OKC, Grace Place OKC, Grace Pointe OKC, Graceway OKC, Greater Bethel OKC, Greater Trinity OKC, Heavenly Heights OKC, Heritage OKC, Highland Hills OKC, Holy Temple OKC, Howard Memorial OKC, Iglesia Palabra Viva OKC, Iglesia Bautista Central OKC, Iglesia Bautista Gracia De Dios OKC, Iglesia Comunidad De Fe OKC, Iglesia Lavilla OKC, Indian Community OKC, International Community OKC, International Grace OKC, Japanese Mission OKC, Jesus Es El Camino OKC, Kelham OKC, Kentucky Avenue OKC, Knob Hill OKC, Living Word OKC, Mayridge OKC, Miracle Temple OKC, Mission OKC OKC, New Bethel OKC, New Hope OKC, New Life Mission OKC, New Vision Community Church OKC, Newchurch OKC, Northeast Fellowship OKC, Northwest OKC, Nueva Vida OKC, Oikos OKC, Oklahoma Zotung OKC, Olivet OKC, Plainview OKC, Portland Avenue OKC, Prospect OKC, Providence OKC, Putnam City OKC, Quail Springs OKC, Real OKC, Redemption Church OKC, Rios De Agua Viva OKC, Rockwood OKC, Sentral OKC, Sharon OKC, Shields Boulevard OKC, South Lakes OKC, South Lindsay OKC, Southern Hills OKC, Southern Temple OKC, Southpark OKC, Spring Creek OKC, Springdale OKC, St. John Missionary OKC, Tabernacle OKC, The Parish OKC, The Well OKC, Thrive OKC, Timber Creek Community OKC, Together Church OKC, Trinity OKC, Trinity Chinese OKC, Trinity Lao-Thai OKC, Trinity Missionary OKC, True Light OKC, Unity Christian OKC, Urban OKC, Victory OKC, Vietnamese First OKC, Village OKC, Vision Community OKC, Western Avenue OKC, Wilmont Place OKC, Zomi Christian Okeene, First Okemah, All Nations Okemah, Buckeye Creek Okemah, Calvary Okemah, First Okemah, Greenleaf Okemah, Last Chance Okemah, Montesoma Okemah, Skyview Okmulgee, Belvin Okmulgee, Calvary Okmulgee, ClearView Okmulgee, First Okmulgee, Nuyaka Okmulgee, Old Post Cowboy Okmulgee, Second Okmulgee, Twin Hills Oktaha, Trinity Olive, First Olustee, First Omega Oologah, First Oologah, Harbor Orlando, First Osage, First Overbrook, Eastman Overbrook, Marsden Overbrook, McAlister Owasso, BattleCreek Church Owasso, Bethel Owasso, Central Owasso, Cowboy Up Owasso, Dalton Hill Owasso, First Owasso, Freedom Owasso, Redeemer Bible Owasso, The Refuge Paden, First Panama, First Panola Paoli, First Park Hill, Carter Park Hill, Keys Pauls Valley, Beaty Pauls Valley, First Pauls Valley, Grace Pauls Valley, Love Pauls Valley, Primera Hispanic Pauls Valley, Trinity Pawhuska, Calvary Pawhuska, First Pawhuska, Lynn Pawhuska, Nelagoney Pawhuska, Osage Indian Pawhuska, Whippoorwill Pawnee, First Pawnee, Indian Pawnee, Masham Peggs, First Southern Perkins, First Perkins, Immanuel Perkins, Rockin' M Cowboy Perry, First Perry, Kaw Street Chapel Perry, Sumner Pharoah Piedmont, Crossover Piedmont, First Pittsburg Pittsburg, Sardis Pittsburg, Ti Valley Platter, First Pocasset, First Missionary Pocola, First Pocola, Trinity Ponca City, Crestview Ponca City, First Ponca City, Hispana Ponca City, New Faith Ponca City, New Life Ponca City, NewPoint Ponca City, Northeast Ponca City, Osage Heights Ponca City, Ponca Indian Ponca City, Providence Ponca City, Ranch Drive Ponca City, Sunset Pond Creek, First Porter, First Porum, First Porum, Friendship Chapel Porum, Oak Grove Poteau, Cross Community Poteau, Double Branch Poteau, First Poteau, Fuel Poteau, Hispanic Poteau, Southside Poteau, Trinity Prague, First Prague, Pleasant Home Preston, First Proctor, First Prue, First Pryor, Coo-Y-Yah Pryor, Exciting Southeast Pryor, First Pryor, Heritage Southern Pryor, Life Fellowship Pryor, Pleasant View Purcell, Cornerstone Indian Purcell, Emmanuel Purcell, First Purcell, First Hispanic Purcell, Johnson Road Purcell, New Hope Southern Purcell, Starting Gate Cowboy Purcell, Union Hill Quapaw, First Quapaw, Spring River Indian Quinton, Featherstone Quinton, First Quinton, West Liberty Ralston, First Ramona, First Randlett Randlett, Union Valley Ratliff City, First Ratliff City, Milo Rattan, Cloudy Rattan, First Ravia Red Oak, Beth-El Red Oak, Cedar Red Oak, First Red Oak, North Rock Creek Red Oak, South Rock Creek Red Rock, First Red Rock, Otoe Reydon, First Rhea, First Ringling, First Ringwood, First Ringwood, Seguidores De Jesucristo Rock Island, Friendship Rocky, Salem Roff, First Roff, Lightning Ridge Roff, Oak Grove Roland, Roland Hills Roland, Swon Road Roosevelt, First Rose, Elm Prairie Rosedale, First Rufe Rush Springs, Cox City Rush Springs, Southern Rush Springs, Vimy Ridge Ryan, First Saint Louis, First Salina, Emmanuel Salina, Euwasha Salina, First Salina, First Indian Salina, Freedom Salina, Lakeview Salina, New Jordan Salina, Standing Rock Salina, Steeley Sallisaw, Badger Lee Sallisaw, Blunt Sallisaw, Eastside Sallisaw, First Sallisaw, First Akins Sallisaw, Hanson First Sallisaw, Immanuel Sallisaw, Pine Tree Sallisaw, Prices Chapel Sand Springs, Angus Acres Sand Springs, Broadway Sand Springs, Calvary Sand Springs, Church That Matters Sand Springs, Delaware Sand Springs, HillSpring Sand Springs, Keystone Hills Sand Springs, Limestone Sand Springs, Rimrock Sand Springs, The Father's House Sand Springs, Trinity Sand Springs, Wekiwa Sapulpa, Church Inside Out Sapulpa, Coalition Church Sapulpa, Community Indian Sapulpa, Faith Sapulpa, First Sapulpa, Forest Hills Sapulpa, Foundation Sapulpa, Little Cussetah Sapulpa, Native Stone Sapulpa, Pickett Prairie First Sapulpa, The Way Sasakwa, First Sasakwa, Spring Savanna, First Sawyer, First Sayre, Buffalo Sayre, First Sayre, Hext Sayre, Lone Oak Schulter Schulter, Cedar Creek Seiling, First Seminole, First Seminole, Harvey Road Seminole, Highway Seminole, Ideal Street Seminole, Iglesia Bautista Zion Seminole, Indian Nations Seminole, Snake Creek #2 Seminole, Trinity Seminole, Twin Oak Sentinel, First Shady Point, Calhoun Shady Point, First Shamrock, First Sharon, First Sharon, South Persimmon Shattuck, First Shawnee, Aydelotte Shawnee, Bible Shawnee, Blackburn Chapel Shawnee, Central City Shawnee, First Indian Shawnee, Frontline Shawnee, Galilee Shawnee, Heritage First Church Shawnee, Hilltop Shawnee, Hopewell Shawnee, Immanuel Shawnee, Mount Pleasant Shawnee, Rock Creek Shawnee, Rock Creek Hispanic Shawnee, Sallateeska Shawnee, Sharon Shawnee, Temple Shawnee, Trinity Shawnee, Union Missionary Shawnee, University Shawnee, Wallace Shidler, First Shidler, The Church Skiatook, First Skiatook, Immanuel Skiatook, Lakeview Southern Skiatook, Riveted Church Skiatook, Tri-County Slick, Faith Smithville, Octavia Snyder, First Snyder, Southside Soper, Archey Soper, First Soper, Kent South Coffeyville, First South Tulsa, BattleCreek Church Sparks, First Spavinaw, First Spavinaw, Ribbon Sperry, First Spiro, Calvary Southern Spiro, First Springer, First Southern Sterling, Cross Trails Sterling, First Stidham, Big Arbor Indian Stigler, Antioch Stigler, First Stigler, Main Street Stigler, Rocky Ridge Stigler, Trinity Stillwater, Chinese Stillwater, Countryside Stillwater, Cross Brand Cowboy Stillwater, Eagle Heights Stillwater, First Stillwater, Hillcrest Stillwater, Hispana Bethel Stillwater, Korean Stillwater, Mehan Union Stillwater, Southside Stillwater, University Heights Stilwell, Antioch Stilwell, Bidding Creek Stilwell, Bunch Stilwell, Calvary Southern Stilwell, Cherry Tree Stilwell, Chuculate Stilwell, Echota Stilwell, Emmanuel Stilwell, Fairfield Stilwell, First Stilwell, Four Visions Stilwell, Mulberry Tree Stilwell, Oakridge Stilwell, Piney Creek Stilwell, Rock Springs Stilwell, Salem Stilwell, Sequoyah Stilwell, Sycamore Springs Stilwell, Victory Southern Stonewall, First Strang, First Stratford, First Stratford, Sandy Hill Stringtown, Community Stringtown, First Stringtown, McGee Valley Stroud, Deer Creek Stroud, First Stuart, Ashland Stuart, First Sulphur, Calvary Sulphur, Central Sulphur, Crossway First Sulphur, Midway Hill Sulphur, New Hope Sulphur, Sandy Sweetwater, First Tahlequah, Antioch Tahlequah, Boudinot Tahlequah, Cedar Tree Tahlequah, Crescent Valley Tahlequah, Crossway Tahlequah, Eldon Tahlequah, Elm Tree Tahlequah, First Tahlequah, First Indian Tahlequah, Grace Tahlequah, Johnson Prairie Tahlequah, New Greenleaf Tahlequah, Park Hill Tahlequah, River Valley Tahlequah, Southside Talala, First Talala, Rabbs Creek Talihina, Buffalo Valley Talihina, Falfa Talihina, First Talihina, God's Country Cowboy Talihina, Green Hill Talihina, Pine Grove Talihina, Prairie Grove Taloga, First Tecumseh, First Tecumseh, Karis Ministries Tecumseh, Pink Temple, First Terlton, First Terral, First Texhoma, First Texola, First Thackerville, First Thomas, First Tipton, First Tishomingo, Bullard Chapel Tishomingo, Calvary Tishomingo, First Tishomingo, First Indian Tom, First Tonkawa, Faith Tonkawa, First Tryon, First Tulsa Downtown, BattleCreek Church Tulsa Midtown, BattleCreek Church Tulsa, Belview Tulsa, Berryhill Tulsa, Braden Park Tulsa, Brookside Tulsa, Calvary Campus Tulsa, Canyon Road Tulsa, Church Inside Out at Red Fork Tulsa, Cognizant Tulsa, Concord Tulsa, Easton Heights Tulsa, Eastwood Tulsa, First Tulsa, First Korean Tulsa, First Slavic Tulsa, Garden City Tulsa, Garnett Road Tulsa, Gilcrease Hills Tulsa, Good News Church Tulsa, Greater New Grove Tulsa, Harbor of Grace Church Tulsa, Harvard Avenue Tulsa, Hispanic Agape Tulsa, Hope Fellowship Tulsa, Iglesia Bautista El Camino Tulsa, Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel Tulsa, Iglesia Biblica Bautista Tulsa, Indian Fellowship Tulsa, International Tulsa, Kuki Worship Service Tulsa Tulsa, Lamb Tulsa, Living Hope Church Tulsa, Living Water Tulsa, Logos Church Tulsa, Lynn Lane Tulsa, Memorial Tulsa, Mercyview Tulsa, Myanmar Zomi Tulsa, New Hope Community Tulsa, New Joy Fellowship Tulsa, New Opportunity Tulsa, Nogales Avenue Tulsa, Oakridge Tulsa, Oklahoma Hmong Tulsa, Olivet Tulsa, Owen Park Tulsa, Palabras De Vida Tulsa, Parkview Tulsa, Peniel Tulsa, Primera Iglesia Bautista Hispana Tulsa, Ranch Acres Tulsa, Restoration Church of Bowden Tulsa, Ridge Crest Tulsa, Rivendell Fellowship Tulsa, Rose of Sharon Tulsa, Sequoyah Hills Tulsa, Skelly Drive Tulsa, Sojourn Tulsa, South Tulsa Tulsa, Southern Hills Tulsa, Southwood Tulsa, Springdale Tulsa, Springs of Grace Tulsa, Trinity Tulsa, Tulsa Bangla Tulsa, Tulsa Church Tulsa, Tulsa Hills Tulsa, Turn Church Tulsa, View Acres Tulsa, Winnetka Heights Tulsa, Woodland Acres Tulsa, Zion Community Tulsa, Zomi Tupelo, First Turpin, First Tuttle, First Tuttle, Heritage Family Tuttle, Snow Hill Tuttle, True Oak Fellowship Tyrone Union City, First Utica Valliant, First Valliant, Pilgrim Rest Valliant, Trinity Velma Vera, First Southern Verden, First Verdigris, First Vian Vian Creek Vici, First Vinita, Bunker Hill Vinita, Calvary Vinita, Carter Vinita, Dupree Community Vinita, First Vinita, Kelso Faith Vinita, Trinity Vinita, White Oak Vinson Wagoner, First Wagoner, Immanuel Southern Wagoner, Twin Oaks Wainwright, First Wakita, First Walters, Calvary Walters, First Walters, New Salem Wanette, First Wanette, Victory Pointe Wann, First Wapanucka, First Wapanucka, Wilson Wardville, Harpers Valley Warner, First Washington, First Watonga, First Watonga, Mission Point Watonga, Trinity Watts, Ballard Watts, Crittenden Watts, First Waurika, Cross Brand Cowboy Waurika, First Wayne, First Waynoka, First Weatherford, Emmanuel Weatherford, First Weatherford, Indian Weatherford, Trinity Webbers Falls, First Webbers Falls, Green Valley Welch Welch, Maybelle Weleetka, First Welling, Barber Wellston, Cornerstone Wellston, First Wellston, Trinity West Siloam Springs, Calvary Westville, Baron Westville, Christie Southern Westville, First Westville, Jubilee Wetumka, First Wetumka, Indian Wetumka, Sand Creek Indian Wewoka, Akasvmkv Wewoka, Cornerstone Missionary Wewoka, First Wewoka, Midway Wheatland, First Whitefield Whitesboro Wichita, Discover Church Wilburton, Boiling Spring Wilburton, Bowers Wilburton, Calvary Wilburton, Center Point Wilburton, First Wilburton, Grace Country Cowboy Wilburton, High Bridge Wilburton, Southside Willow, First Willow, Spring Creek Wilson, First Wilson, Rexroat Wilson, Rubottom Wilson, Zaneis Wister, Bethel Wister, First Southern Wister, Heart O' the Hills Wister, Summerfield Woodward, Ascent Woodward, Crown Heights Woodward, Elm Street Woodward, First Woodward, Lincoln Avenue Woodward, Vida Abundante Wright City, First Wyandotte, First Wynnewood, Eastern Gate Wynnewood, First Wynnewood, Joy Wynnewood, Walker Wynona, First Yale, Council Valley Yale, Fellowship Yale, First Yukon Church Yukon, Canadian Valley Yukon, First Yukon, Frontline Yukon, Refuge Yukon, Stable Rock Yukon, Surrey Hills Yukon, Together We Church Yukon, West Metro Community