
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Resources

In addition to legislative efforts, we will mobilize churches to help build an overall culture of life in the state, informed by Scripture and powered by the Gospel. With God’s help, we can and will see an end to abortion in Oklahoma, as well as America. Oklahoma Baptists must step up to the challenge.

2025 Pastor’s Preaching Guide/Information Resource

A resource guide to help pastors easily and effectively defend unborn life and share the Gospel.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Videos

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2025 Bulletin Insert

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“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made…”

Psalm 139:13-14b NIV

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How Oklahoma Baptists are working together to fight abortion & protect the unborn

For more than 30 years, Oklahoma Baptists have been actively and prayerfully working to oppose legalized abortion. Below is a brief description of some of the ways Oklahoma Baptists have been involved in the issue of abortion.

Established and Supported Pregnancy Resource Ministries

Visionary leaders like Dr. Anthony Jordan, Dr. Alan Day and others helped establish the first crisis pregnancy ministry. Today, Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children operates five HOPE Pregnancy Ministry Centers across the state, which are saving unborn lives and ministering to abortion-vulnerable women and men with the Gospel.

Supported Successful Life-Affirming Legislation

Oklahoma Baptists played a key role in achieving the passage of over 20 pro-life laws that have helped save lives. These laws including a ban on Partial-Birth Abortions; a Parental Notification Law; Ultrasound Requirement Bill; and the Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act.

Approved Pro-life, Anti-Abortion Resolutions

Messengers to the Oklahoma Baptists’ Annual Meeting have repeatedly spoken against legalized abortion. Since 2007, Messengers have approved more than a dozen resolutions opposing abortion and speaking up for the unborn.

Played a Leading Role in Leading Events

Now in its 30th year, the annual Rose Day Pro-Life Rally has featured speakers including Lila Rose, pro-life activist and President of Live Action; Abby Johnson, pro-life spokeswoman and former Planned Parenthood center director; and others. This event has united Oklahoma Baptists with others in the faith community through prayer and activism, all to protect unborn life.

Expanded the Annual Sanctity of Human Life Sunday Emphasis

Since it was established in 1984, churches across the United States have observed Sanctity of Human Life Sunday each January. In the past five years, Oklahoma Baptists have offered videos, bulletin inserts, sermon outlines and other resources to help accelerate the impact of this annual tradition.


Published Articles, Editorials & Information

Published Articles, Editorials & Information. In the Baptist Messenger, the flagship publication of Oklahoma Baptists, more than 100 articles have been printed in recent years on the subject of protecting children from abortion.