Collegiate Week is for college students and leaders who want to learn to passionately follow Jesus. Through worship, teaching, community and fun you and your group can experience the encouragement you need to kickstart a new year of college. Join thousands of students and leaders from across the US and Canada for 5 days that will change your life and help you be on mission with God.
Engage local worship/music leadership in an informal setting to encourage connection and sharpen each other and Oklahoma Baptists. All worship/music/media leadership and members are welcome! Cost is $5 per participant, and lunch is provided.
Chaplain Fellowship will be held on August 10, 2024 at OBU Geiger Center, Rooms 219/220. The guest speaker is Sherri Coale, retired OU girls basketball coach. Copies of Sherri's book will be available to purchase and she will autograph those books. The event cost is $10.00 per person and is limited to the first 200 people to register. Registration opens at 8:30 a.m. and the conference is from 9:15-4:00. Lunch and door prizes are included. All areas of chaplaincy will be highlighted throughout the day. Deadline to register and pay online is July 24. To register, please visit the chaplaincy webpage
Community 94 is an event designed to provide training, networking and resources to aid and encourage the ministries of Preschool and Childhood Ministers. The group meets throughout the year at the Oklahoma Baptist Building in Oklahoma City. Each meeting starts with a time of devotion, followed by fantastic teaching sessions from well-known speakers around the state, ministry resources, and great times of fellowship and networking. Lunch is provided at each meeting. Cost is $150 for all (9) of the 2024 meetings, or $30 each. Register and pay at the link provided.
This is a training event for new volunteers and returning volunteers needing to update their Disaster Relief badges. Disaster Relief badges are valid for a period of three years from the training date. Training classes, as well as hands on work will be offered. For a full class description and schedule, please visit the webpage at: On this webpage, you will have the opportunity to register for upcoming events.
A one-day training and equipping event with Ken Braddy, director of Sunday School & Network Partnerships for Lifeway. This event is aimed at volunteer Sunday School Directors, church staff members who lead Sunday School, and pastors who are working with Sunday School Directors in their churches. Come learn from Ken about what it means to be a Sunday School director and ways to help get your church headed in the right direction with this vital discipleship ministry!
The Call Conference is designed for individuals who are exploring or pursuing a call from God to ministry leadership. We encourage middle school, high school, and college students, who feel God may be calling them into ministry to attend. It’s the foundational question that must be answered by anyone considering entry into ministry or mission’s leadership and then revisited regularly over a lifetime. God is calling out a new generation of kingdom leaders out of Oklahoma who will accelerate the fulfillment of the Great Commission in this generation. The Call Conference will help students cut to the heart of the matter and give them tools to work through the call process. Join us for… THE CALL Conference.