- Help! I Married My Pastor! by Jani Ortlund (2021)
- Susie: the life and legacy of Susannah Spurgeon by Ray Rhodes Jr (2018)
- The Emotionally Healthy Woman: Eight Things You Have to Quit to Change Your Life by Geri Scazerro (2014)
- 10 Things Every Minister’s Wife Needs To Know by Jeana Floyd (2010)
- From One Ministry Wife to Another: Honest Conversations About Ministry Connections by Susie Hawkins (2009)
- In Our Shoes: Real Life Issues for Ministers’ Wives by Ministers’ Wives by Rachel Lovingood and Jennifer Landrith (2008)
- Devotions for Ministry Couples by Stan and Linda Toler (2017)
- Devotions for Ministry Wives: Encouragement from those who’ve been there by Barbara Hughes (2002)

The Glass House
Lifeway’s “The Glass House” is a space where ministry leaders will shed light on the challenges they often don’t feel permission to talk about. Listeners who work in the trenches of church life will feel seen and gain tools to navigate ministry and life. Those who live outside this “glass house” will better understand what it’s like to dwell there

At the Table
Join host Jacki King in conversations with a collaborative community of women from the Southern Baptist Convention family who long to connect, engage, and encourage one another as they serve and lead in diverse ways to impact the Kingdom of God.

By Faith with Christine Hoover
In whatever we’re doing—working, parenting, serving, suffering—it can be difficult sometimes to see through the fog of the circumstances of life and to know with confidence that God is there, that He’s working in us, and that He’s working through us. How do we live this life by faith? In “By Faith,” author and blogger Christine Hoover asks this big picture question by getting into the details…

Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast
The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast discusses anchoring ourselves in God’s truth, searching His Word, and relying on him in all parts of life.

The Bible Recap
If you’ve ever closed your Bible and thought, “What did I just read?”, this podcast is for you! It’s a brief daily summary and highlights reel of that day’s Bible reading. We follow 1-Year Chronological Plan by The Bible Recap (free on the Bible app), and you can start anytime! It’s always a good time to read the Bible

Marked Podcast
This is a podcast for women who are marked by a hunger for God’s Word, a longing to impact culture, and a desire to discover and live out God’s call on their lives.

How to Thrive as a Pastor’s Wife
Christine Hoover has been a pastor’s wife for over two decades, serving alongside her husband Kyle in various churches, sized small to large, and in church planting. Throughout it all, she has sought truths from Scripture that have sustained her, and she is passionate about passing along these truths to other pastors’ wives.

SBC Women’s Leadership Network
The SBC Women’s Leadership Network exists to connect, equip, and encourage women leaders throughout the Southern Baptist Convention as they serve in various forms of Kingdom Mission.

NAMB’s Planting Wives
Send Network’s Spouse Care Development team engages women in order to create community, provide care, equip her with training, and support her with coaching to allow her to flourish in her unique and irreplaceable role in planting multiplying churches in North America.

Lifeway Women
Find resources like Bible Studies, Spiritual Growth materials, Leadership studies, and much more.