
About Brazil The Amazon basin is a massive rainforest, about 70% of the size of mainland USA.  It is made up of more than 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are over 1000 miles long, spanning 8 countries, the largest part in Brazil.  You can find 30% of the world’s animal...


About Edmonton Edmonton is a beautiful and thriving Canadian city with cool summer temperatures. The people love attending summer festivals and outdoor events. The diverse population is less than 6% evangelical and there is only one Baptist church per 75,000 people....


About London London is England’s capital and is one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan cities in the world. It’s population is steadily increasing with the highest rate in history being almost 9 million people. There are over 300 languages spoken in...


About Nicaragua Nicaragua is the largest of the Central American republics and is slightly bigger than the state of New York! It has a string of 40 volcanoes that stretch from the northwest to the southeast along the Pacific Coast. Lake Managua is the only freshwater...


About Philippines The Philippines is made up of more than 7,100 different islands and over 120 different languages are spoken here including English. Metro Manila is home to nearly 15 million people yet is only 239 square miles (that’s around 1/3 the size of...