Prominent Oklahoma Baptist pastor and Native American ministry leader Bill Barnett died on Feb. 5. Barnett was pastor of Seminole, Indians Nations and was a leader with Indian Falls Creek, among various other ministries. Hance Dilbeck, executive director-treasurer for...
Consider this post a case for expository preaching. I’ll explain that in just a moment. But think about the title for a moment. We’ve all known this feeling, right? You’ve been there and I’ve been there. I think the title has some real magnetic...
What is it? A 6-hour workshop designed to help pastors begin and/or continue a process of progress in their preaching. Paul’s admonition to Timothy is: Practice these things [the public reading of Scripture, exhortation, teaching], immerse...
What if I told you there is a tool available to expositors that, once mastered, will keep you from ever having to worry about sermon outlines again? Would you be interested? Here is the tool: structure. Become competent in discerning the structure of a text and your...
If we lived in a perfect world, and each reader of the Bible were perfect, then without any real impediment we could read the Scripture, understand it perfectly, and teach it to others. If only. In a perfect world, there would be no need for exposition, because every...
One of the most crucial ways in which we acknowledge the importance of CONTEXT in exposition is by dealing with the biblical storyline. Specifically, when dealing with any New Testament text, we simply must consider how the writer is utilizing the Old Testament....