Virtual Missions Center

Welcome to the Virtual Missions Center. It’s our hope that this site will encourage you to invest your life in The Cause of Christ like so many Oklahoma Baptists in the past and like who are currently involved in the Great Commission. Please take your time and discover the spiritual and physical needs of our world and learn about opportunities that you can be involved in to advance the Gospel here, near, and far!

The Importance of Missions/GoStudents

It’s important to be aware of the spiritual and physical needs in our world today. Social problems are opportunities for us to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Oklahoma Baptists have a long history of stepping into areas of brokenness and meeting the needs to advance the Gospel.


Seattle has the 3rd highest homeless population in the US.

Oklahoma City

One out of every 6 residents of Oklahoma City lives in poverty.


10K people in Lawton deal with substance abuse issues and 6K deal with depression.


95% of people living in multi-housing, government housing, mobile home parks, etc in Tulsa are unchurched.


Portland is known as the least religious city in the US. 60% say that God is not important to their life.

New York City

The whole world can be found in NYC. With over 800 languages spoken daily and people from every corner of the world, it makes it a strategic place to end global lostness.


The poverty rate for the indigenous Mayan population of Belize is 68%.


The total number of Venezuelan refugees that have fled to Peru now stands at about 800K.


There are 8,124 towns in Spain. 92% of these towns don’t have an evangelical church.


There are 10K children in the orphanages of Latvia (of which most are dysfunctional). Of those 10K orphaned 92% have living parents and they feel abandoned.


Zimbabwe Africa is home not only to one of the 7 Natural wonders of the World (Victoria Falls), the big 5 animals (Elephant, Lion, Cape Buffalo, Leopard, Rhinoceros), but also home to 16.5 million people that need the Savior!


Evangelical churchgoers in Portugal are 0.4% of the population and in some regions believers are almost “invisible”.


Of Cambodia’s 15M in population, over 95% practice Buddhism.


In Calgary, only 5.2% of 1.4M inhabitants claim to believe in Jesus. Christ.


There is only one Baptist church per 60K people in Edmonton.


Miami is the rated the second worst city in the nation for income inequality.

Broken Bow

Unfortunately, nearly 4 out of 5 (78%) of its people who died had a history of substance abuse.


Despite its reputation as a religious city, there is only one Southern Baptist church per 40,460 people. Sadly, over 97% of the people do not know Jesus as Lord.


There are more than 400 tribes spread out over thousands of rivers and lakes that don’t know Jesus as Lord.


More than 50% of the population do not understand the truth about Jesus Christ.


8 out of 10 people live below the poverty line and need the hope found in Jesus.


Germany needs a spiritual awakening and predominantly in lost youth.

United Kingdom

In the past year, it is estimated that 10,053 people have been homeless and living on the streets.

2023 Recap Video

2019 Recap Video

2018 Recap Video

GoStudents Projects


Discovery Video


Oklahoma City

July 8-13

Estimated Ground Cost – $200

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March 16-20, July 6-10

Estimated Ground Cost – $240

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Discovery Video



June 15-21

Estimated Ground Cost – $400

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New York City

July 7-13

Estimated Ground Cost – $1400

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June 24-July 2

Estimated Ground Cost – $600

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July 19-24

Estimated Ground Cost – $600

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Discovery Video



July 7-17

Estimated Ground Cost – $1300

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July 12-19

Estimated Ground Cost – $750

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July 24 – August 1

Estimated Ground Cost – $800

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May 13-21

Estimated Ground Cost – $850

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Estimated Ground Cost: $600

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June 2-11

Ground Cost – $1,000

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July 11-21

Estimated Ground Cost – $1100

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June 21-30

Estimated Ground Cost – $1,200

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July 17-26

Estimated Ground Cost: $600

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Long Term Missions

Beyond GoStudents

Feel called to be a missionary? Trying to figure out your next steps after a week-long group mission experience? The North American Mission Board (NAMB) and the International Mission Board (IMB) have a multitude of opportunities for students to serve on mission in the United States and other countries, ranging from two weeks, two years, to a lifetime.

More Information / Apply

It’s our hope that God has revealed to you the need and His command to share to Gospel here, near, and far! It’s also our hope that God will give you experiences that will radically impact your life through our King and His Cause. The question is WILL YOU TAKE THE FIRST STEP in obeying the Great Commission of Jesus? A way for you to TAKE THAT STEP NOW is by clicking the “I’m Interested” tab below and letting us know how you’re willing to potentially serve a GoStudents project. You don’t have to have all the answers involved in coming to do this because it’s not an application to go. It’s just you taking the first step in saying I AM WILLING. We hope you’ll do it today!

More Information

Are you interested in going on a GoStudents trip but are unsure which one or how to go? Let us know and we’ll help guide you!

Student Missions Offering

This year’s offering will support those partnering with GoStudents Network mission projects and to DISASTER RELIEF (see below). We are asking everyone to give generously to the Student Missions Offering!


You can give two ways!

You can mail a check to:

Oklahoma Baptists
ATTN: Student Mission Offering
3800 N May Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Or give online by clicking the button below.


Evangelism Resources

Why learn and share the Gospel? Because it’s literally the best news on the planet! Forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and a relationship with God are just a few reasons why the Gospel message is GOODNEWS! But… there is a certain urgency that comes with sharing this message. Here are three urgent reasons to learn and share the Gospel.
Jesus commands every Christian to share the Gospel with those around them, to the ends of the earth! We should do it because we love the Lord and want to obey Him! (Acts 1:8)
There is a literal hell people are heading to if they don’t get their sins forgiven through the Savior, Jesus. There is also a hell they go through by going through life broken in their sins and separated from God. (2 Thes 1:8-9; Matt 9:36)
The best way to invest your life is to store up treasures in heaven by investing in getting as many people there as possible. (Matt6:19-21, 1 Cor 3:11-15)

Click below to download and print the Good News Conversation Strategy Guide.

Click below for video training.

The GoodNews Coach App

The GoodNewsCoach will help remind, encourage, and train you to be better at evangelism! This free app is a valuable tool for those seeking an accountability push from a trusted mentor, or the other way around. It’s also a training tool to help you have effective Gospel “conversations”… not just “presentations.” Use it to make sharing the Gospel regularly a reality instead of an unmet expectation.

Online Mission Project

You can participate in missions right now! Christians from the early church until now have always been leveraging technology for the sake of the Gospel. Today it is easier than ever to send a message instantly to anyone in the world who has internet access. Use your social media platforms humbly, yet clearly to communicate the hope you have in Jesus and the difference your faith makes in your life. Don’t simply talk about engaging people with the gospel, actually do it! Get online today and start having natural conversations with lost people, and look for ways to turn that natural conversation into a spiritual conversation. Click the link to download the training guide for some thought-provoking spiritual conversation starter phrases, videos, pictures, and more to help you get started.

Campus Ministry

Your school may be the greatest mission field of your life!  FISH Club / Worldview Outreach is a great way to organize Christian students, from many different churches, in an effort to own what they believe and reach their campus for Christ. Every week has something you’re trying to accomplish and every week points toward week four which is designed to be an outreach vehicle to engage nonbelievers in a spiritual conversation about the Gospel & life’s most important questions. It’s a great way to get the truth of who Jesus is onto your school campus!