Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is CrossTimbers operated by?

CrossTimbers is operated by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and is supported by local SBC churches in Oklahoma. CrossTimbers has about 50 staffers that run the program and run the operations side of camp.

Who can come?

CrossTimbers is for 3rd – 6th grade children. Campers must have completed the 3rd grade. Also, CrossTimbers love sponsors. The policy for churches that bring campers is that there must be one sponsor to every five children.

Who is a reliable sponsor?

CrossTimbers recognizes a sponsor as a person that is 18 years or older and that has successfully completed a background check by a reliable company. Oh yeah…one more thing. A sponsor has to be ready for the craziest, wackiest week of their life.

What if my camper/sponsor has a dietary restriction?
  • If one of your campers/sponsors has special dietary needs, our staff will need to be notified BEFORE camp begins. We are only able to accommodate Gluten Free meals at camp. On your Camper & Sponsor Registration Form, there will be an option to mark any camper or sponsor who needs a different meal option while at camp. Please make sure you do this before the deadline, or we will not be able to accommodate any restrictions. At Registration, you will receive a special armband for any campers/sponsors with restrictions. They must have this band at the cafeteria to receive their meal. If there are more complicated restrictions, please contact our office.
  • *NUT ALLERGIES- Our cafeteria is nut free, but our Canteen does have products that contain nuts.
Who will be running the activities?

CrossTimbers has recruited some of the brightest college students to run the activities. Each staffer is trained in lifeguarding, CPR, First Aid (which is certified by the American Red Cross), ropes course, and Target Sports.

What does the camp schedule look like?

Each week of camp is four days. We call each day, day one, day two, day three, and day four. On day one churches will come to CrossTimbers and be ushered up to the top of the hill where they will be greeted by special guests. All churches will leave on day four after lunch.

Where can I register my church for camp?

You can go to the CrossTimbers Registration link to see the dates and register

Where is CrossTimbers?

Traveling to and from OKC exit off on US Hwy 77 (exit 51), then go south (like you are going to Turner Falls) on US Hwy 77, you will see the Fried Pie place and camp is exactly 1 mile west from there. The physical address is 5039 Hwy 77 South, Davis, OK 73030

Why should my Church attend CrossTimbers?

Each child will be in a tribe of about 10. In this tribe there will be a staffer who is the leader that will help children sift through what the Children had experienced throughout the day. At the time when each camper will discover which tribe they belong to, they will then participate with their tribe in special Tribal times. Experienced CrossTimbers camp staffers know that children require and deserve a variety of activities where they can succeed. We want them to develop a sense of accomplishment and healthy self-esteem. At CrossTimbers children will get to experience hands-on missions that will allow each child to be on mission for the Lord.

Where do the children sleep?

CrossTimbers can hold a maximum of 500 campers, but we set a limit on each week so that beds can be added as churches need them. These campers are spread out among 5 dorms with separate rooms that have 12 beds per room. When a church registers for CrossTimbers and has supplied the necessary information, CrossTimbers will position each church in the proper location. Boys will sleep in one dorm and the girls will sleep in another dorm. If there tends to be a problem with the number of campers that a church has and the number of beds in a dorm room then it may require that there be two churches in one dorm room. In a case like this there would need to be a sponsor from each church in that dorm room. There will never be a dorm room where one sponsor is with all the children. CrossTimbers has a zero tolerance policy for sexual abuse. Every sponsor, staffer, and leadership staff is required to complete a successful background check.