Our Greatest Adventure Awaits

Posted in Global Missions

If we are honest, I think the majority of us would say we are bored. Not that we don’t have enough to do because we are busy people, but maybe discontent. Maybe it’s the question “what am I doing with my life?” Or, “there has to be more?” 

Deep in each of us is the desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Something worthy to give our lives away to. We start searching for it when we are young and dream of our lives making an impact, or living the most fulfilled life. Then, all of a sudden, we are living day to day and feel trapped in the world we have chosen for ourselves. 

The great news is that it’s never too late. When Jesus said “I’ve come to give you life and life to the fullest” that means we are a decision or two away from living the adventure of our lives. 

As I begin this series of blogs, I pray that we grasp ahold of the amazing adventure that awaits us. Serving God, following God, loving God is full of great adventures that is right before us. Not only that, but also in full transparency, it’s the hardest thing we will ever do. The adventure God invites us to requires sacrifice, being uncomfortable, and doing things we may have never done before. Jesus never ever promised us that following Him was comfortable. It’s not, and never will be. 

When I travel to another country or God puts someone in my path here in Oklahoma, I try to remind myself that I have been given the greatest news ever given to humankind. I can give them hope, I can give that person joy, because I have the opportunity to spread God’s love here and around the world. Our ride is waiting. The offer is there. God’s invitation is extended, our adventure begins. 

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