I have to confess. I love Jesus. I’ve loved him for most of my life. I serve him. I tell other people about him.
But for me, spending daily time with him is a challenge. For the last 2 weeks, I haven’t spent time with him. I have felt like such a failure which then ignited thick shame that whispered: “I know better. I should do better. Who am I to lead others? I am weak. I am a hypocrite. All talk – puny action.”
Have you ever felt that way?
This year as we walk together in conversation about 5 markers of a healthy ministry wife, I pray that it leads us into the things that matter towards healthiness.
Where do we start? Taking measurement of our SPIRITUAL life (our first marker) and moving towards growth, towards Jesus.
JESUS. The most important thing of all the things is Jesus. He is THE KEY to healthiness: in our marriage, self-image, purpose, attitude, perspective, ministry, parenting, interactions with others, decision-making… He’s the source of all things and the strength for all things. He keeps my head right, my heart right, and my identity set on the truth. If we aren’t centered in Jesus, we will not be healthy, and we won’t live in freedom. Period.
His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 NIV
Where does healthiness in your spiritual life grow? In the quiet place of your heart. In intimate one-on-one time with Jesus. Day by day by day by day.
Some days, I don’t feel like it. Some days, I don’t want to. Some days, I don’t make time. Some days, I chose me over him. It takes priority and discipline and acceptance of my desperate need for him.
So, my sister, if you’ve miss some days or weeks, it’s ok. Shake it off. Don’t let shame tell you it’s lies. Don’t allow failure to predict your next steps. Jesus is always there with open arms and gobs of grace.
If you want to be healthy, daily time with Jesus is where you start.
Have you spent time with him today? Do you need to adjust your plan to make it more doable? Do you need to reevaluate your expectation? 10 minutes is better than no minutes.
Do what it takes. Fight for your time. It is so worth it.