Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC)
The Youth Evangelism Conference is designed to equip and inspire students to share their faith. There will be many helpful breakouts for every person, and a goal setting session to help groups go back with a strategic plan to advance the Gospel. YEC will be a great way to start the new year focused on the cause of Christ!
The Call Conference
The Call Conference is designed for individuals who are exploring or pursuing a call from God to ministry leadership. The Call Conference will also serve to encourage and train parents and leaders in churches to mentor emerging ministry leaders.
See You At The Pole
It’s about one simple thing—STUDENTS in PRAYER. We want to partner with you to help create a great SYTAP event!
Gospel Advancing Ministry
There are 400,000 teens in Oklahoma! How can we reach them all?
IT STARTS WITH YOU… But you don’t have to do it alone. It would take a movement of 1600 Gospel Advancing Ministries reaching 20 teens a year for 6 years to reach them all. Download the action steps to become a Gospel Advancing Leader today and you will receive resources, training, and the relational support that can help you multiply the movement in your area. Will you join us?
Why learn and share the Gospel? Because it’s literally the best news on the planet! Forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and a relationship with God are just a few reasons why the Gospel message is GOODNEWS! But… there is a certain urgency that comes with sharing this message. Here are three urgent reasons to learn and share the Gospel.
Jesus commands every Christian to share the Gospel with those around them, to the ends of the earth! We should do it because we love the Lord and want to obey Him! (Acts 1:8)
There is a literal hell people are heading to if they don’t get their sins forgiven through the Savior, Jesus. There is also a hell they go through by going through life broken in their sins and separated from God. (2 Thes 1:8-9; Matt 9:36)
The best way to invest your life is to store up treasures in heaven by investing in getting as many people there as possible. (Matt6:19-21, 1 Cor 3:11-15)
Click below to download and print the Good News Conversation Strategy Guide.
Click below for video training.
The GoodNews Coach App
The GoodNewsCoach will help remind, encourage, and train you to be better at evangelism! This free app is a valuable tool for those seeking an accountability push from a trusted mentor, or the other way around. It’s also a training tool to help you have effective Gospel “conversations”… not just “presentations.” Use it to make sharing the Gospel regularly a reality instead of an unmet expectation.