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Want to help your students who have found life in Christ follow the Lord in baptism? Walk through these videos with your students as they seek to understand and follow through with believer’s baptism.

Fish Club
FISH/Worldview Club is a great way to organize Christian students, from many different churches, in an effort to own what they believe and reach their campus for Christ. Every week has something you’re trying to accomplish and every week points toward week four which is designed to be an outreach vehicle to engage nonbelievers in a spiritual conversation about the Gospel & life’s most important questions. It’s a great way to get the truth of who Jesus is onto your school campus!
Bible Studies

DiscipleMe is a semester-long discipleship initiative designed to develop students in Christ-likeness, helping them grow into committed disciples ready to lead other students to do the same. It is meant to be an ongoing, reproducible means to make disciples who make disciples.
DiscipleMe incorporates all aspects of discipleship, including evangelism, spiritual discipline, service, Bible study, scripture memory, devotion, and more.

The Devo to End All Devos
Take the first step in one of the most beneficial habits that you will ever develop. We encourage you to commit right now to see this journey through to the end. You have obviously made a commitment to learn more about God and ways to follow God’s plan for your life.

The Discovery
This study is designed for a person that has just come to the realization that God has called them to vocational ministry leadership. The call to ministry can be both exciting and intimidating. The information was put together to help a person exploring God’s call sort through the thoughts, feelings, and questions they may have about that call. As you walk through the days ahead, it is our prayer that God would continue to open your eyes to the unique path He has laid out specifically for you as you carry out the ministry of Jesus Christ.

The Pursuit
Now that you are a Christian, I am sure you are asking the question, “What just happened?” and “How do I learn more about God?” If you will plan to spend at least five or ten minutes a day reading the short Bible study, you will learn a lot about God and what has just happened in your life.