Falls Creek Youth Camp


Falls Creek is a place and a thing. When Oklahoma Baptists hear the words, “Falls Creek,” many think of the summer camps held there. That is the “thing” most know as Falls Creek. But Falls Creek is also a place. It is a conference center that is maintained and used year-round for other camps and conferences.
For Conference Center inquiries, follow the link below to visit their website or contact the Welcome Center at (580) 369-2101

Falls Creek – Official Conference Center website





Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”  James 4:10


We often think of spiritual growth as production and miss the fact that growth in the Christian life starts with and is dependent upon God’s work more than our effort. We think the answer is to work hard, to become disciplined, to fight when to level up, we must first become less. This isn’t easy and doesn’t come naturally.

This summer we will walk through James 4 and look at the attitudes with which we pursue a life of spiritual discipline in Christ. As believers, we are to take the posture of:


Contentment in Christ


Submission to God


Unity with Others


Surrender to the Lord


Session 1

June 2-6

Camp Pastor: Garret Wagoner

Worship: Cody Dunbar & Together We Worship

Session 2

June 9-13

Camp Pastor: Jay Sanders

Worship: Ryan Snell

Session 3

June 16-20

Camp Pastor: Jay Sanders

Worship: So We May

Session 4

June 23-27

Camp Pastor: Garry McNeill

Worship: Dustin Searles

Session 5

June 30 – July 4

Camp Pastor: Rusty Gunn

Worship: So We May

Session 6

July 7-11

Camp Pastor: Jeremy Freeman

Worship: Robertson

Session 7

July 14-18

Camp Pastor: Shane Pruitt

Worship: OBU Worship

Session 8

July 21-25

Camp Pastor: Andy Blanks

Worship: Crescent City Worship

Daily Schedule


1:00-4:00pm – Registration (North tabernacle entrance)


6:30pm – Adult Leader Seating (South tabernacle entrance)

6:30pm – Invitation Training (Chapel exterior doors open at 6:15pm) Repeats on Tuesday

6:55pm – Tabernacle Doors Open

7:00pm – Pre-Session/Camp Orientation

7:30pm – Evening Worship Service

9:00pm – Youth Camp Late Night

10:15pm – Evening Cabin Devotional

11:45pm – Inside Cabins

Tuesday – Friday


8:30 or 8:40am – Quiet Time

9:00am – In-Cabin Bible Study

10:40am – Staff/Adult Leader Daily Update (Chapel exterior doors open at 10:00)

10:40am – Doors Open for Morning Worship Service

11:00am – Morning Worship Service

12:00pm – Lunch

1:30-5:00pm     Activity Time (Breakouts, Missions, & Recreation, etc.)


6:30pm – Adult Leader Seating (South tabernacle entrance)

6:55pm – Tabernacle Doors Open

7:30pm – Evening Worship Service

9:00pm – Youth Camp Late Night

10:15pm – Evening Cabin Devotional

11:45pm – Inside Cabins

Youth camp programming starts Monday and continues through Friday night each week. Most churches stay Friday night and then clean up and leave Saturday morning. There is no camp programming on Saturday.
If you have questions about cabin rental or check in/check out procedures, please clarify with your cabin owner. Also, please abide by the arrival and departure windows.

Frequently Asked Questions


How long are background checks valid?

We will honor adequate background checks for up to 18 months, which, in most cases, will cover two summers of camp. Please note: if a check is found to be incomplete and more than 90 days old, most companies will require you to submit a new check rather than add to your existing background check.

I need to run an international check. Can I do that?

It is possible to complete a background check on international students and adults (even without a social security number). Please contact your provider regarding the cost and time involved in securing the appropriate check.

If a student turns 18 in the middle of camp, do we need to run a background check before camp?

Yes. In the instance that this happens, complete all needed background checks before leaving for camp.

Do I treat yellow flag and red flag offenses for students in the same manner as adults?

Yes. You will need to screen and evaluate your students in the same way you would for adult leaders.

What are some background check companies I can use?

There are 5 required providers. They are:


Protect My Ministry (Basic Plus Package)
www.protectmyministry.com | 888-319-5581


Ministry Safe (Falls Creek Package)
www.ministrysafe.com | 833-737-7233


Shield Checks (Falls Creek Package)
www.shieldscreening.com | 800-260-3738





Trak-1 Checks
www.trak-1.com | 800-600-8999


The important thing to remember in securing background checks is to make sure you receive a detailed report that indicates each of the following has been secured:

  • national criminal background check
  • national sex offender registry check
  • separate state and/or county check
  • and
  • social security verification trace

Can I add students until we leave for camp?

Yes! Add students right up until you leave for camp. Keep inviting and sign ‘em up! (NOTE: Make sure you have time to complete the necessary background checks for any student or adult 18 years of age or older.) 

I created an account last year and cannot log back in. Why is that? 

Contact our office! 405-942-3800 x4383

The registration system is saying we are a non-affiliated church, but we are an affiliated, Oklahoma Baptist church. What can I do? 

Try entering your zip code only and hitting search, when it finds a result use the drop-down arrow to see the full list. If this doesn’t work, please contact our office 405-942-3800 x4383.

Where can I find the release forms? 

Forms can be found in your Field Guide or in your Digital Leader Kit (which can be found on the homepage of your church account). 

When do I have to pay my registration cost? 

All registration fees are due Monday of your camp week. Check or cash only, please make checks payable to Oklahoma Baptists. 

Where can I see a list of available cabins? 

Check out cabin availability at https://www.fallscreek.org/


How do I get into Falls Creek?

Falls Creek Conference Center is just outside of Davis, Oklahoma, off interstate highway 35, exit number 51. Highway and regional signs will direct you to the Falls Creek Baptist Conference Center after you exit I-35.

Physical Address:
6714 HWY 77D
Davis, OK 73030-8002

From OKC / I-35 southbound

High Road
Take Exit #51. Go straight across 4 lanes of Highway 77 (Fried Pie/Gas Station and Canyon Breeze Motel will be on your right). At the stop sign next to Canyon Breeze, go straight across the bridge that passes over Honey Creek. This is Highway 77D. Stay on this high road that winds around the mountains for about 3 miles and you will come to the main gate at Falls Creek.
Low Road
Take Exit 51. Turn left and cross over Interstate 35. Turn right on the first road you come to just past Interstate 35 which is Kay Starr Trail. Stay on Kay Starr for about 3 miles, going straight through the intersection following the signs for Arbuckle Wilderness. When you come to Price Falls you will see a large red sign that says “Falls Creek.” Turn right and continue through Price Falls crossing the low water crossing at the creek and going up the hill. At the top of the hill you can go right or left. The main gate is to your right and the Welcome Center is to your left.

From Dallas / I-35 northbound

High Road
Take Exit 51. Turn left and cross back over Interstate 35. Turn left immediately at the first street after the overpass next to the Fried Pie/Gas Station and Canyon Breeze Motel. At the stop sign next to Canyon Breeze, go straight across the bridge that passes over Honey Cut Creek. This is Highway 77D. Stay on this high road that winds around the mountains for about 3 miles, and you will come to the main gate at Falls Creek.
Low Road
Take Exit 51. Turn right and take the first immediate road to the right which is Kay Starr Trail. Stay on Kay Starr for about 3 miles, going straight through the intersection following the signs for Arbuckle Wilderness. When you come to Price Falls you will see a large red sign that says “Falls Creek.” Turn right and continue through Price Falls crossing the low water crossing at the creek and going up the hill. At the top of the hill you can go right or left. The main gate is to your right and the Welcome Center is to your left.

From Davis

Low Road
Take Hwy 7 west until you come to the Pizza Hut. Turn left onto Hwy 77. Just before you get to Interstate 35, turn left on Kay Starr Trail. Stay on Kay Starr for about 3 miles, going straight through the intersection following the signs for Arbuckle Wilderness. When you come to Price Falls you will see a larger sign that says “Falls Creek.” Turn right and continue through Price Falls crossing the low water crossing at the creek, and going up the hill. At the top of the hill you can go right or left. The main gate is to your right and the Welcome Center is to your left.