Helpful Hints for a Fabulous Easter

Easter is one of the most attended weeks of the year and it’s quickly approaching! As we get ready to celebrate the resurrection, let’s make sure we are not only ready in our hearts and minds but let’s get “ready for company” and help every attendee have a great time of worship and celebration. By now, many families are making plans to be together during this holiday, and the church family should also be ready to gather together. Here are six tips to include in your checklist as we get ready for this special season.

  1. Publicize worship times on all communication platforms. If you are having a sunrise service, adding an additional service, or even keeping the same schedule, begin to publicize all service or event times. It’s important to update your website. If your church has an outdoor sign, make sure to update that as well.
  2. Make sure your property is clean! Sure, it’s obvious, but check and double-check all restrooms to make sure they’re stocked for extra traffic. Stock up on needed items for the nursery and children’s areas as well. Don’t forget pew racks and other storage areas that might need to be freshened up as well.
  3. Signage Matters! Walk through your building like it’s your first time to be there. Would you know what door is the entrance, or could you find a restroom by following the signs? Also, remember to have children’s and other special entrances clearly marked. It’s not too late to order signs and information banners.
  4. De-clutter! Pay special attention to the platform and the foyer/gathering area. In the foyer, this will help with traffic flow and allow groups to gather and visit. On the platform, consider having a fresh look by taking out anything that is not needed for the service. Of course, fresh flowers and greenery look great. If you have ficus trees, dust them off!
  5. Skip the sarcasm. It may be tempting to quip that “we are glad you are here and we will look forward to seeing you at Christmas,” but don’t do it! Welcome your congregation and make them want to come back next Sunday!
  6. Have a plan to engage guests and members and bring them back. Have fresh, great looking brochures about VBS and other summer events. Do you offer any special classes or opportunities for missions? Let people know how your church is reaching out to the community and how they can join you.

As we make Easter all about Jesus, let’s also keep in mind those he’s called us to reach!