
How to successfully follow a long-term/beloved pastor

Oh, “you have big shoes to fill” has been uttered through the vocal chords of church members for decades without a scriptural filter to stop it. Both seasoned and unseasoned pastors have been on the receiving end of the “sharp” message meant to acknowledge what was and forewarn what is.

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Why the Pastor Needs a Council of Historians

Where can a pastor find this council of church historians?  Don’t neglect digging in the church records or racing the church history. Contact the historical commission for your denomination. Look in old newspapers or with your state historical society. There is probably more out there than you think if you look in the right places.

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How Church History Informs Your Ministry

For pastors there is always something else to do, somebody to visit, somewhere to go. Pastors are faced with committees, budgets, crises, buildings, family, and the ever-present deadline of the Sunday sermon. So in the midst of all that, why should we add the study of church history to our list of things to do?

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Revitalizing Children’s Ministry

Children’s ministry looks different than it did a decade ago. The strategies we should be using today are not the same as they were at the turn of the century. Recent studies show that anywhere between 58% and 67% of Christian parents today choose a church with their kids in mind.

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