In the mid-’90s, Paul Powell of the Annuity Board of the Southern Baptist Convention wrote a book titled “Taking the Stew Out of Stewardship.” While...
Preparing to Preach Through a Book of the Bible
One of the joys of expositional preaching is preaching through a book of the Bible. Great joy and real challenges exist in preaching through books...
Preaching the Gospel through all elements of the Worship Service
Seeking to ensure our worship services bring glory to the Lord and impact those gathered can feel daunting. Though not exhaustive, here are six...
Working with the Minister of Music to Create Powerful Worship
Worship is a vital part of any effective ministry. The relationship between pastor and minister of music is key to consistently presenting powerful...
PAUSE (Pt. 2)
In my years of ministry as a pastor, some of the most important things I was a part of were meetings about the Bride of Christ. Working with...
Our practice for forgiveness to others reflects what we think and understand about God’s forgiveness. When you get to the heart of the Gospel...
7 A’s of Confession
Living at peace with God, ourselves, and others is essential for our witness for Christ. Everything God does He does in love. He is always working...
How to SERVE People
In the book Discovering Relational Wisdom by Ken Sande we are called to serve by living the Acronym SERVE S is for SMILE. E is for explore and...
Skipping Stones
My Father and mother moved to Shawnee a couple years ago after their house flooded a couple of times back in Louisiana. One of the great but...
Rescuing the Old Testament from Children’s Ministry
We southern Baptist preachers often either avoid the Old Testament or relegate it to the kid’s ministry. As the professor of Old Testament at Your...
52: Regional Ministry Partners
Three of our Oklahoma Baptist Regional Ministry Partners share about the unique ministries they provide for pastors and churches.
51: Update on Dr Fisher’s Recovery
Dr. Fisher shares information on his injuries, his recovery process, and some immediate goals.
50: Developing and Growing Key Relationships as a Pastor
Relationships form the foundation of pastoral ministry and leadership. Todd and Andy discuss how to develop the key relationships in the church that will keep your leadership moving forward.
49: SBC Recap
Todd and Andy recap the highlights of the Southern Baptist Convention.
48: Historical-Cultural Background Study for Sermon Preparation
Understanding the...
47: Guest Follow Up
Guests in the church generate great excitement but follow up can be challenging! In this episode Todd and Andy explore a few practices that may breathe new life into your follow up practices.