In my years of ministry as a pastor, some of the most important things I was a part of were meetings about the Bride of Christ. Working with...
Relational Wisdom
Our practice for forgiveness to others reflects what we think and understand about God’s forgiveness. When you get to the heart of the Gospel...
7 A’s of Confession
Living at peace with God, ourselves, and others is essential for our witness for Christ. Everything God does He does in love. He is always working...
How to SERVE People
In the book Discovering Relational Wisdom by Ken Sande we are called to serve by living the Acronym SERVE S is for SMILE. E is for explore and...
The Four G’s of Peacemaking
We live in a world of conflict. It is on the news every day, nations in conflict with other nations and neighbors living in conflict with each...
How to READ Your Emotions
One of the most important things we did as young children was learning to read. We would be severely handicapped if we had never learned to read. ...
Practicing SOG
How do you become proficient in anything? As with so many things, the answer is simple but not easy. The path to proficiency is through practice....
Three Gospel Relationships
When I was in elementary school, our classrooms were heated by a boiler. It would heat water to the point of steam which would then travel through...
Humor me for a moment. Let’s play a word association game. I’ll say a word and you respond with a word that comes to mind when you hear my word....
Using Emotions Wisely in Pastoral Ministry
In the last article, I began an examination of 8 essentials of core human emotions to harness their energy in practicing relational wisdom. There,...