How to SERVE People

In the book Discovering Relational Wisdom by Ken Sande we are called to serve by living the Acronym SERVE  S is for SMILE. E is for explore and empathize R is for Reconcile V is for Value E is for encourage. We are called to put wind under the wings of every person we...

Send One.

The past year my wife Vanda and I have had the blessing to attend and speak at churches across our great state. Although the churches varied in size, location, rural, or city there was one theme that we would hear at each church over and over again before we headed...


I don’t know a person that enjoys being disrupted. I’m not talking about when we speak (although that is annoying), I’m talking about our daily lives, our routines, what we do day to day. We work really hard at keeping our lives as normal as possible and that is a...

The Four G’s of Peacemaking

We live in a world of conflict.  It is on the news every day, nations in conflict with other nations and neighbors living in conflict with each other.  We find conflict in or own families.  We even find conflict within our churches.  Everywhere you turn you find...

Our Greatest Adventure Awaits

If we are honest, I think the majority of us would say we are bored. Not that we don’t have enough to do because we are busy people, but maybe discontent. Maybe it’s the question “what am I doing with my life?” Or, “there has to be more?”  Deep in each of us is the...

A Student like Addi

They call her Addi for short, probably only about 5.1, she can’t weigh more than 100 pounds. Always smiling, humble spirit, she loves people around her well, and she brightens the room because Jesus shines so brightly out of her. She has grown up in the community of...

How to READ Your Emotions

One of the most important things we did as young children was learning to read. We would be severely handicapped if we had never learned to read.  So many things we enjoy doing today we would not be able to do if we had not learned to read words.  Think about it. In...

Practicing SOG

How do you become proficient in anything? As with so many things, the answer is simple but not easy. The path to proficiency is through practice. Reflection is important in peacemaking. Discussion is often helpful in conflict resolution. But in the end practice is the...

Three Gospel Relationships

When I was in elementary school, our classrooms were heated by a boiler. It would heat water to the point of steam which would then travel through pipes to a radiator and heat the room. This is literally an “old school” method of heating.              One day our...


Humor me for a moment. Let’s play a word association game. I’ll say a word and you respond with a word that comes to mind when you hear my word. Ready? Here’s the word: relationship. What comes to mind? The average American would likely associate that word with other...