At the beginning of 2020, I chose, in cooperation with Angela and a good friend & mentor, a word to mark my year. Due to some extenuating circumstances and unlike my word-choosing partners, I drug my feet. I had a feeling in my gut at what I was thinking and how I...
Each new year holds tons of opportunity. Leaders continually face the question of whether or not they will take every opportunity the Lord presents to advance the Gospel and build the Church. In terms of the continuing work of making disciples, post-profession of...
Everyone has feelings about Monday. Some are generally negative… “Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.” -Steven Wright. Some people have generally positive thoughts about Monday… “Mondays are for fresh starts.” -Unknown. (Probably an Enneagram Seven) Or,...
Guest Entry by Stefan Valdez, FBC Sayre Several elements in your Falls Creek experience, when done right, can move your students’ week from good to GREAT! One of those elements is working to have effective family groups. Here are a few things to consider when planning...
Guest entry by Dakota Scott, FBC Choctaw Camp has a lot to offer to your students throughout the week, one that is underrated but could be a game changer in your students’ week at camp are the many breakouts that are offered. Students and adults can take advantage of...