Guest entry by Dakota Scott, FBC Choctaw

Camp has a lot to offer to your students throughout the week, one that is underrated but could be a game changer in your students’ week at camp are the many breakouts that are offered. Students and adults can take advantage of breakouts daily at Falls Creek. The sessions offer three main tracks: Spiritual Growth, Hot Topics, and Life Skills Track.  

I know what you are thinking, those sound like great opportunities for my student to grow in their faith, but how do I get them to go? Well, that is what we are here to talk about, ways to maximize breakouts throughout your week of camp. I want to give you some ideas that you can copy or hopefully use to direct your students to use these great opportunities of growth during the week.  

Make it a requirement

Have every small group go to at least two breakouts TOGETHER during the week, it doesn’t matter which one, but they have to do it. I have found that students enjoy this and it’s easier for them because they are with a group. It also helps group discussion throughout the week!

Do an incentive

Challenge students/groups that if they go to more than the two that are required (or just whoever goes to the most if you don’t require any) you will buy them and ICEE, let them skip KP, sleep in later or maybe be in line first all day.  

Make a LARGE breakout schedule

This is so simple, but impactful. Yes! It is in their student book, but place large schedules of the breakout by places that students will always look or see. Examples would be by the menu for the week, by the KP schedule and by doors they frequently walk past.  

Talk about breakouts as much as you talk about sports

Yes camp Volleyball is awesome and I want your team to win too, but make sure sports aren’t the most important thing you do at camp.


Guest entry by Dakota Scott, FBC Choctaw