Things a Pastor Should Think About When Making a Nursing Home Visit

Both of my grandmothers spent a few years in nursing homes during their final years on earth. During part of that time I served as the interim pastor in the town where they stayed. I visited them routinely, and came to realize how significant such visits were. One of...

Hagar: You are noticed and loved

It stinks to feel unnoticed. When someone doesn’t see you, hear you, or understand you, it can cut deep into your insecurity and sense of worth. It’s an even deeper wound when it’s from someone that you love. Every one of us has experienced that type...

Preparing to Preach Through a Book of the Bible

One of the joys of expositional preaching is preaching through a book of the Bible. Great joy and real challenges exist in preaching through books of the Bible, but I want to focus on the benefits for the congregation. First, they are receiving the actual word of God,...

The Power of Presence — Incarnational Ministry

Pastor, one of the two biggest moments in the history of the cosmos centers upon the ministry of presence. What is the incarnation if it is not the ministry of presence? Think about the promises given to us in scripture promising that “God is with us.”  Remember...

Eve: You Are More Than Your Mistakes

We LOVE that God includes the lives of real broken women in the bible and reveals how he interacts with and redeems them. Women need other women. You don’t have to remain alone in your faith even when no one is around. We are excited to surround ourselves with...

Preaching the Gospel through all elements of the Worship Service

Seeking to ensure our worship services bring glory to the Lord and impact those gathered can feel daunting.  Though not exhaustive, here are six ways to transform our public worship experience by seizing every element for the glory of Christ: Revelation &...

Pastors and Financial Integrity

“Brothers, we are not professionals.” John Piper wrote those words to jar pastor’s from the idea that we can equate the work of ministry with the work of the CEO. Yet as we read or hear about embezzlement or fraud in churches, one cannot help but think, “brothers, we...

Elements of Graveside Service

Typically, the graveside service is a time of bringing the body to the cemetery for burial after the funeral service. The graveside (or committal) service is usually less attended than the actual funeral and sometimes is reserved for family only. In the case of a...

What Other Women in the Bible Teach Us About Ourselves and Ministry

Women need other women. True, we have our husbands, children, etc. But women are unique to other women because we see and feel things similarly and can support each other from that common vantage point.  We aren’t meant to live alone, isolated, or in our silos....

Revision…Revitalize…Ministry to Aging Adults

As pastor or a church staff member, you are seen as the expert on all things in life.  From finances, health, family dynamics to church leadership, salvation, and all things spiritual in nature, you are expected to be able to answer questions.  The obvious question,...