About Seattle
The trip leader will communicate airfare information.
*Deadline of $300.00 to be paid by 03/31/2024
Deposit amount due with application: $50.00
Why serve in Seattle?
Median price of homes currently listed in Seattle
Seattle is one of the fastest growing cities, home to big businesses like Amazon, Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, Google, and more.
Adults with High School Diploma
Despite Seattle’s many success stories, there are also great struggles. There is a staggering number of homeless men, women and children.
Homeless individuals in Seattle in 2019
Forty- seven percent (47%) of that homeless population was unsheltered, living on the street, or in parks, tents, vehicles, or other places not meant for human habitation.
Crime, Hunger & Substance Abuse
Crime, hunger, substance abuse have grown as well.
Our Focus
With 187 Southern Baptist congregations, the Southern Baptist church-to-population ratio in Seattle’s combined statistical area is one church for every 25,798 people. Seattle is known as a city that people move to in order to run away from traditional values. Let’s “run to them” to show and share the Gospel!
More About Seattle
Who will we serve in Seattle?
- Connect with people in the community who need the Gospel in their lives.
- Connect wiith people who find meaning and joy in their hobbies, education, or job and not Jesus Christ.
- Connect with people living in homelessness that need hopoe in Jesus Christ.
What will we do?
- Work to set up and work fireworks stands
- Chances for Gospel conversations/prayer/evangelism
- Homeless ministry
- Church with Still Valley Church on Sunday and Wednesday
- Work projects in various locations
- Our free day will be spent in Seattle.
- We will spend time at Pike Place Market, take the Ferry across the sound to Bainbridge Island, and just enjoy being in the big city!